I Am A Spirit Having A Human Experience

Spiritual Perspectives

  I am a spirit having a human experience. I agreed to incarnate in a world where a great transformation is taking place. I chose to come into a very dense and limited reality, knowing the connection with the true nature of my own existence would be forgotten. I am now awakening from this dream […]


Language: The alchemical cryptography of organized sound

Spiritual Perspectives

Language: The alchemical cryptography of organized sound ‘The Template model values sound as one component in a wider alchemical composition, a holonomic model of transcendence that appreciates the need to create a stable global field, resonant with the full spectrum of the creation frequency. Since its inception, The Template has included the dynamic use of […]


The Tantra of Creation

Books, Recommended, Spiritual Perspectives

We inhabit a lower octave of the third dimension – duality. The challenge for Humanity is not to ‘get out of’ or transcend the third dimension, but to create it, for this dimension is the stargate to every other level of manifest experience. The third dimension is where the party is! We did not find […]


Nothing in nature is hurried

Spiritual Perspectives

  From Inner Peace Now Nothing in nature is hurried. Nothing seems interested in achievement, and yet great things are achieved. The dishes are not asking that they be washed quicker, your body is not demanding it be somewhere else in time, your work is not begging for you to finish so that you may […]


NOW It’s Time For ALL to Fully Remember Again: Mass Collective Awakenings Beyond The Matrix of Distortions & Am

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives, Uncategorized

  Y/our perception of life and reality is about to dramatically change. As we continue to experience physical upgrades, the upgrades in frequency bandwidth mean the “old” (old consciousness reality) goes. For some this is dramatic and through the intense clearing of huge energy that kept one asleep/in a slumber from REMEMBERING again, others very […]


Update: Mike Quinsey 1-15-16… “Absolutely nothing can stop your rapid advancement to becoming a full Galactic Being, except yourself. “

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

15th. January 2016. Mike Quinsey Events are moving on very quickly and pressure is being put on those who are expected to announce Disclosure, to go ahead without delay. President Putin is the one who is applying the pressure and is currently leading the action to get results as soon as possible. Meanwhile the Earth […]


Are You Real?

Spiritual Perspectives

  Why consciousness “must be an illusion”   by Jon Rappoport Conventional physics has painted itself into a corner, because it assumes that all sub-atomic particles (the constituents of the brain and the universe) contain no awareness whatsoever. Therefore, there is no reason to assume that consciousness exists. The idea that it does must be […]


REMEMBER you are unborn, eternal and everlasting…never was there a time when you did not exist, never will there come a time when you cease to be…

Spiritual Perspectives

  When you’re weary Feeling small When times get rough And friends just can’t be found When darkness comes And pain is all around REMEMBER you are unborn, eternal and everlasting…never was there a time when you did not exist, never will there come a time when you cease to be… FROM THE SMALLEST PARTICLE […]


The Year of Truth ~ 2016

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives, Zeitgeist

  You have arrived at a year of direct guidance from spirit. More and more channels delivering messages are opening up. The partnership of the trained hearts with spirit will manifest in new and unusual understandings about the nature of reality and the nature of humanity – This is why you have prepared for this […]
