Imminent changes are upon hUmaNITY and Gaia.

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives / Wednesday, January 20th, 2016



Imminent changes are upon hUmaNITY and Gaia. Those who made decision to live and create in LOVE vibration will feel great changes in energy levels every day now.

The only thing to do to allow these changes in human body to become permanent is to release all 3D programming of ego. That includes all fear , hate and everything that is less then LOVE. The only way for human body to change its base from carbon to crystal base or any higher level of light depending on each soul. It means to be LOVE as much as possible. Kindness will heal the world. LOVE is the new base for the new hUmaNITY that will change this world back to true Light.

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“I think good will and service to all men are the true kind of happiness…they bring riches that never pass away and happiness that never fails.” ★

“Let ALL lovers of justice unite, let us stand together and fight every custom, every law, every institution that breeds, or masks violence and prejudice, and permits one class to prosper at the cost of the well-being and happiness of another class. Let us hurl our strength against the iron gates of prejudice until they fall, and their bars are sundered, and WE ALL advance gladly towards our common heritage of life, liberty and Light, undivided by race or color or creed, united by the same human heart that beats in the bosom of ALL.” ★

~ Helen Keller

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Cosmic and Personal Completion! Entering The Next Level of LOVE, of Heart, of Soul ★

As the celestial leylines within and without, above and below, re-adjust themselves for incoming landings of illumination, all will feel strewn about and discombobulated by an unexpected mischievous dust devil of interference. Bumps and grinds during these sky-lined events may shake up the human linear patterns of thinking just long enough for some enlightment to get thru. Like one that is drenched by an unexpected spring shower, there is no way to avoid complete saturation, with or without cosmic umbrella. A deep healing is occurring with or without your permission.

The cells of Earth have their encoded orders and know what to do; they march forward at a steady pace never missing a beat. Each pain within your body is a cry for help, a stuck fear, trauma or memory, literally a pain from the past. 2016 is about ‘promises and completion’, Cosmic and Personal completion. Humanity is asked nicely to enter the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the Universe.

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Cosmic and personal completion! Entering the next level of love, of heart, of soul and service to the planetary evolution through healing self-first. Free falling from the height of the nine into the next level of Light can be faster than the speed of time. Entry and exits all in the same breath. A quantum leap into unknown gifts comes through the nine. Are you ready to be more than you are at this minute of time? Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly column of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have

2016 graces us with the timeless and sometimes endless teachings of the vibration of nine, and all that entails. A quantum leap into the string theory leaves one hanging with multiple and multidimensional choices. Does one free fall in the string theory or does one hang on riding the dimensional rift? Either way this feat can only be accomplished through a divine point of healing self.

The vibration of nine is about entry and exit all in the same breath. Free-falling from the height of the nine into the next point of the unknown equation. Everything is enhanced in 2016 vivid peyote 5-d Technicolor, with many coyotes taking shape in the background. Dimensionally you will glimpse these places of a thin veil, like looking at a desert mirage. Portal after portal opens to every place not within the imagination. Hidden agendas are so visible even those not looking notice.

Unknown gifts come in this nine-year enhancing all one yearns to be. Self-doubt will be what sabotages your future choices. Nine is the photo finish on the heavenly pageant of multiple choices. If you believe you have won, you have! Driving thru the milky way of truth and collective wisdom takes a true pilot. Flying only on the fuel of faith he must believes in the magic of it all to keep his hologram afloat. Loosen your assemblage points and keep them loose.

Become fluid in nature allowing more expansion. Rewrite your script into a place with no constraints allowing all realities to merge and show their full potential You are asked to embody and become all that you have prepared to be in the fullness of this time. Be fluid of intent and enter the best adventure of your life.

Incomplete creational thoughts drifting thru dimensional flux are waiting for someone else to sup upon them. Thoughts always seek their freedom, never answering to one master. They seek free rein and free range trying to avoid all restraint. Thoughts transcend time and space allowing them selves to be birthed again and again into new forms. Thoughts can be kept captive like a genii in a bottle but not for long, they always seem to find a way out.

~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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LOVE, ONE Inner Light & a New Earth to EveryONE ★









The White Temple of ONE Inner Light

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