Uniting the People of the World

Spiritual Perspectives

  At this time of economic turmoil it can be difficult to perceive for ONEself how the principle of sharing is a solution to world problems, and this is especially true for many intellectuals. There are libraries of books and reports that analyse what is wrong with society, the majority of which are trying to […]


Arcturian Group Message July 10, 2016 ~ We come with messages of hope and deeper understanding for you in these times of violence and suffering for so many.

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

Greetings with love from the Arcturian Group.   We come with messages of hope and deeper understanding for you in these times of violence and suffering for so many. Powerful high dimensional energies of ascension are effecting the earth and everyone on it at this time causing those who do not understand what is happening […]


Mother Kundalini

Spiritual Perspectives

  ~ The Lucid Sky The Mother Kundalini will only rise chakra by chakra on the request of the Child. The Child and the Mother work together in their development as a team. The Mother gives you access to the lower three chakras to function in this world. The lower three centers are used for […]


Foundations Are Being Rocked & Re-Aligned According to NEW Earth Existence for All… ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Tatiana Plakhova   Aloha beautiful light family! A Quick Update for for what’s going on “out there”…. in a multitude of dimensional realities…. Utter and complete chaos for many, as all inside is up-heaved. Deep emotional energies triggered by an “event”…. Many “spiritual” realities being rocked by something/whatever is necessary to move one […]


Address To The Ancestors ~ Andrew Bartzis

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Sam Farrand Andrew Bartzis Address To The Ancestors I felt that this needed to be shared with everyone again at this time. And so it begins. This address is to our ancestors, past, present and future. This address is multi-dimensional, multi-galaxy, multi-universe address to all the factions that have taken it upon themselves to […]


Le’Vell Zimmerman~Operating within the balanced presence of the heart space as Source is beyond the limitations of “perception”…

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Sam Farrand Le’Vell Zimmerman It is through your ability to allow, accept, and trust in this now moment that you embrace and cultivate your own divine strength, where the clarity of remaining calm allows you to realize the orchestrations of infinite intelligence that is beyond your conscious awareness. No matter how daunting a situation […]



Spiritual Perspectives

  By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness All that’s required for enlightenment or an easier life is to release resistance and the need to control what happens to you. The need to control life comes from the ego and is an impediment to higher consciousness. It’s only when resistance is released that the need to […]


… we are the ones who will begin to shift the tides and transcend this unconscious nightmare into a living dream of bliss on Earth

Spiritual Perspectives

  …”Never forget that every word that you express, every artwork you manifest, every dance you reflect, cast waves of influence not seen by your essence. So never underestimate the power of your spells of magic, never underestimate the power of your influence, for it is because of spirits as you that the collective unconscious […]


SEE ‘I’ to EYE ~ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Hakan Hısım ..”We may not all see eye to EYE, but continuing to express opinions of ego only sinks us deeper into a hole of separation, if we cannot rise collectively as connected spirits, then we have failed the test and repeated the same mistakes our ancestors have made. We stand at a critical […]


Cosmic mitosis ~ Andrew Bartzis

Spiritual Perspectives

Andrew Bartzis Separation of Densities….takes place Now…Cosmic mitosis on macro and micro level. Before this world to transform, the differences between human beings are becoming increasingly apparent: to recognize light and darkness as light as darkness; the awakened ones can be distinguished clearly, distinguishing correct while unconscious human beings lack this clarity. The gap between […]



Spiritual Perspectives

  This trailer for a film on the Eagle and Condor follows the ongoing fulfillment of the prophecy that when north and south come into balance we will have peace. As told by Peruvian Spiritual Messenger Willaru We have been waiting five hundred years. The Inca prophecies say that now, in this age, when the […]
