Melchizedek ~ The coming days and more specifically, the energies of the eclipses, will reveal much concerning disclosure ~ As channeld by Méline Lafont


 April 24, 2013 Greetings dear ones. An extremely uplifing and beautiful time is just around the corner for all of you due to the upcoming eclipses arriving in the course of 1 month (april 25th, partial lunar eclipse, May 10th annular solar eclipse and May 25th penumbral lunar eclipse). They will surely bring about much […]


The Effects Of The 5D Overlay ~ James Gilliland

Ascension, Galactics April 24 2013 Many have prayed that the pain, suffering, lack and tyranny come to an end. They pray that the tyrants in their insatiable soulless lust for power and wealth learn their lessons and come to the realization of unity consciousness. Many pray that they awaken to the immutable law, “What we do to […]


The Return Of White Eagle ~ Metatron ~~ James Tyberonn


Earth-Keeper Chronicles April 21 2013 Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in an embrace of love ! We are joined this gathering by an entourage of Spirit., by those Ascended Masters of the group termed the White Eagle, a collective energy of highest virtue of which many of […]


You are MULTIDIMENSIONAL by Nature ~~ Melchizedek

Ascension, Galactics

As many of you continue to receive energy and actually resonate with the higher dimensional realms that is streaming from Universe and Sun you notice your ability to communicate with your beloved Earth Mother and with the rest of mankind in the most natural of ways through the awakening of your ever-increasing awareness. The recognition […]


The Keepers on the events of 4/15 in Boston, MA.


Apr 16, 2013 by Irma Kaye Hello friends. I am here in the desert for what was intended to be a working respite, and it has ended up taking a much different turn based on today’s events in Boston. I sensed what I call a “disturbance in the force” starting late this morning and fell […]


The Pleiadians ~ Be brave and excel in your tasks at hand for they are very significant and they play an important part ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

The Pleiadians The first contacts with us become ever more real and truthful due to the way you are evolving now. Gigantic leaps have been taken by the collective, partly thanks to the numerous lightworkers who never gave up hope remaining in their power and who continued passionately creating a strong basis for cooperation. We […]


Can The Awakening Be Hijacked?


by Zen Gardner Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly wake up to. It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever…and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it. That would seem to be […]


Envision Abundance, Joy, Love, and Prosperity for All


Channeled through Caroline K.A. Dear hearts, I come to you; bringer of hope, love, and peace.  This is a glorious time for each and every one of you.  We, the Company of Heaven, alongside your Galactic brethren salute you. We commend your great efforts, and immense achievements as you have progressed through this beautiful yet […]


The Council of Nine — Building Bridges

Ascension, Galactics

6 April 2013, by Tazjima We are the Pleiadian Council of Nine. We are your sisters and brothers in light and love. We come to instruct, to cajole and to encourage you. These past two weeks our companion council, the Pleiadian High Council, has advised our scribe that she sits on that same council. During […]


Creating Your New Reality ~~ Message From The Arcturians

Ascension, Galactics

You are now in the process of  integrating the higher frequency light streaming from the Galactic Center into your earth vessels, emotions and neural synapses. Once integrated, this light will affect your every emotion, thought and action. Furthermore, this Higher Light is activating your 97% Ascension DNA, which is awakening your innate potential as the […]


This Is the Dawning


This isn’t the twilight of your life. You may think so, yet this is the dawning. Greatness is about to dawn on you. The sun is rising, and the sun is getting ready to shine on you. You are going to be splendor walking into splendor. You are just beginning. You are just awaking from […]


The Power of Being


By Chris Bourne Contributing Writer for Wake Up World There’s much talk in spiritual circles about ‘setting our intention’; ‘envisioning the things we want’ or ‘manifesting our reality’. How easily such things slip into the psyche and collective vocabulary. What if though, we’re still being led astray by the ego, albeit a more subtle form of […]
