The Hathors: Influential Awakenings, Accepting Unexpected Truth and Creating Collective Revolution ~~ Wes Annac

Ascension, Galactics

16 August 2013 Channeler: Wes Annac The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: The energies Creating and sustaining your realities are being continually boosted in purity, and we mention this process at the start of our communication to let you know that it has once again been expanded upon quite exponentially. This has been brought about because […]


States of Consciousness and Perception


Our brains are electrical and filled with neurons and individual cells connected to one another by dendrites and axons. Every time we think, move, feel, or remember something our neurons are working. That work is carried out by small electric signals that zip from neuron to neuron.  These signals are generated by different electrical potentials […]




We are the Arcturians and the guardian of this planet and star cluster, the Elohim Alcyone, will speak with you every evening until you have become stabilized within your new frequency of reality You are aware that you are in the midst of our Arcturian Corridor, which allow the highest, ascension frequencies of light to […]


TIME DILATION FIELDS ~ Gillian Macbeth-Louthan


Father Time makes Himself known again rerouting the very best of intentions, sidestepping the 24 hr day and running us around in circles. Time as we know it cannot be forced into pigeon holes nor trained to do our bidding.  Time has grown its own wings and takes flight into previously unknown patterns, reconstructing the highways […]


Other Realms of Existence ~ Owen K Waters


There are twelve density layers of consciousness in existence. The third one is the physical world, the fourth is the spirit world, and the fifth is the realm of soul consciousness. The higher numbers are more subtle, more expansive in their scale than the lower numbers. Each lower density layer is more compressed than the […]


SaLuSa ~~ Shifting Solar Energies


  SaLuSa on Shifting Solar Energies – 7 July 2013 by Multidimensional Ocean The Energies are affecting you in a very positive way at the moment. We are always enjoying your planet blooming with people’s increasing awareness and joy. The extra sunshine is a spectacular event for us to watch, as the Sun is undergoing […]


Your lives are about to change, drastically and forever!


When your move into fully conscious living replaces your present illusory state of existence, as it very soon will, you will be so engrossed with the new environment you are busy adapting to that your interest in “what is to come” will have evaporated, because you will experience it as being no longer pertinent or […]


My Higher Self: Where Exactly is the Ascension Gate?


  Every being is on their own individual ascension path.  All souls will ascend.  That is the reason you are all here.  There are many portals and gates that are now opening up that are allowing energies to flow to dear Gaia and to you. Numerous portals and gates have already opened up and allowed […]


Piercing the Veil of Our Cosmic Destiny


We are here to hold our light knowing we are capable, clear, and certain. Commanding our presence we live inside of our self not out. We have the ability to discern and to act and not react. We are no longer desperately seeking solutions outside of our own wisdom. We are poised at the intersection of […]


Cosmic Musings Elevated States


  Innocence is found within. Clarity, purity, magnification occurs, light follows light. Draw from the well of Divine Source. The essential self speaks purely, innocence found within. The Tao is the Tao. It is pure plain and simple. It is purely and simply the Tao. Simplicity is the purest place to exist and to see […]


Zenarchy: A New System for a New Paradigm


Look around you and you will see society is living but a shadow of what it could be right now. The struggles we face today do not have to exist. There is a facade in place that hides us from a more idyllic way of life, and all the various boundaries put in place within […]


Star Tetrahedron, the Star of David


  In 1959, a Czechoslo­vakian radio engineer, named Karl Drbal, received a patent for a model pyramid that regenerates a dull steel razor blade to its full sharpness. His patented method of sharpening a blade involves pointing one angle of the pyra­mid toward true north, and then placing the blade under the pyramid so the […]


Star of David Merkaba Stargate

Ascension, Galactics

The Multi-dimensional Star of David The Summer of Love celestial gift starts off as a grand and beautiful, flowing body of water and then begins a multidimensional journey into higher levels of consciousness, forming a Stargate: The Grand Trine morphs into a Star of David, when an earthen mountain merges with it to perfectly balance […]
