Your heart is your compass to follow ~ Noctua


“Your heart is your compass to follow. Your Heart Chakra is a midway station that translates the energetic information you are receiving from all of your chakras. There are three chakras below it and three chakras above it in your personal chakra system and these chakras are all connected via your central channel of your […]


There are many streams of information surrounding you at all times from various sources, it is merely about tapping into it and finding what resonates with your soul on a deep level and what doesn’t.


“There are many streams of information surrounding you at all times from various sources, it is merely about tapping into it and finding what resonates with your soul on a deep level and what doesn’t. When one taps into a stream of consciousness that seems beyond themselves they begin to channel this information through words, […]


~ 2013 THE YEAR OF INITIATION ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


As the dignitary of time walks about, showing its fullness of color, like a well endowed phoenix what was uncompleted long ago comes forth written in the sands of time.  No one is certain where the hands of time will land. All await the next dust storm to settle before the writing on the window sill […]


Avalon And The ‘Oneness’ Matrix


October 16, 2013 by Soren Dreier In the introduction to this series on Avalon, I mentioned this as an idea for considering: “We hardly ever encounter the same metaphysical reality package. Perceptions alter and transcend between shared reality and personal reality. Personal reality not to be understood as: Ego, but merging out of the conception […]


We Are Harbingers In a New World Rising


The key to our illumination and salvation is knowing we are a divine human. As we emerge as divine humans we are provided an opportunity to leave the false and self-destructive realties behind us. Or you might say beneath us. We are merging with our infinite selves, the ones who are gleefully existing in the […]



Ascension, Galactics

The First Landing The first landing is the landing and interconnection of your multidimensional mind with your third dimensional brain. The brain is completely encased within the skull, but the multidimensional mind is just above your brain where it resonates to the fourth dimension and beyond. Thereby, the aura of your physical body is the […]


Wayshowing and Vasanas


This is a longish post because the situations I’ve just encountered have been complex and difficult for me and this is my outworking of them. If its length is more than the time available to you, please feel free to leave it and pass on to the next article. Even before the reval occurred, I […]


The Calm Before the Shift ~ Zen Gardner


There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs, but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming more and more palpable. Many have […]


Multidimensional Humanity: Heart, Light Mind, and Body in Creative Intention


The multidimensional consciousness of humanity is intentional.   We have the ability to create, manifest, and emanate intention through our Divine infinite consciousness.  It is within our heart consciousness that the experience and expression of creative intention occurs through our incarnate physical body as a receiver/transducer/transmitter of frequencies of information. Thus, a heart-centered unity consciousness enables […]


Divine Embodiment


Message from Archangel Michael with Sanat Kumara & the Council of Light Channeled by Meredith Murphy Telepathic Transmission – 25 September 2013 Greetings Beautiful Ones! I AM delighted to be here with you, connected in conscious appreciation for the unfolding of awareness and being on your planet. I join you to harmonize and assist […]


Anrita Melchizedek ~ Orbs of Light Attunement


Orbs of Light Attunement by Anrita Melchizedek Mp3 download  In this Golden Age of Light, we now have the opportunity to deepen our connection to the many Beings of Light around us that appear as Orbs of Light. These Beings of Light are gifting us with the opportunity to experience their vibrational signatures as we […]
