Entheogens, Recommended, Videos

Graham Hancock Explains Why His Viral TED Talk “The War On Consciousness” Was Banned

  Arjun Walia January 11, 2018 Who is Graham Hancock?  He is the author of multiple international bestsellers, like The Magicians of the Gods, and Fingerprints of the Gods, among others. His books have sold multiple millions of copies worldwide, and are available in more than 25 languages. Obviously, with so many people, including many scholars who are […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Consciousness Based Holographic Reality, The Extra-Dimensional Self-Awareness ~ Aug Tellez

  The Past is a Program Self-Awareness is through Free-Will There is a Virtual and Material Universe This civilization is a combination of two universally unique civilizations, yet complimentary Your Self-Image is Virtual and Can be Liberated or Limited The True Self Functions through Multiple Planes Which Parallel is the “True” Reality? Which is the […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Message from Mike Quinsey 12-11-15… With an increase in the level of your consciousness, more souls than ever are suddenly becoming aware of how for centuries they have been misled.

art by Cameron Gray Much is happening on your Earth at this time, most of which is out of sight so that you have little if any knowledge as to what is taking place. A fierce confrontation is occurring between the Light and dark Ones who are rapidly losing their influence. Gradually, long suppressed inventions or […]

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

We have reached a significant turning point in our healing journey, which is offering us a profound expansion in our human consciousness.

We have reached a significant turning point in our healing journey, which is offering us a profound expansion in our human consciousness. With this expansion we are able to access previously hidden aspects of our soul, which will elevate our thinking and bring fresh insights and new information.   In the last few months you […]

Spiritual Perspectives

The Final Revelation is the Emergence of the Collective Cosmic Christ Consciousness. We are The Event. ∞ Romeo Baron

In order to merge back into Union of Zero Point and transfigure into the new Hologram entirely, the Collective Consciousness must accrete and raise to a harmonious vibration rate. Understanding that the DNA coding each person holds is the program creating the Holographic Reality Field. The secret is that the people of this System are […]

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

Your NEW Earth Experience/Life is THROUGH YOUR CONSTANTLY EVOLVING Physical LightBody/DNA and Merged Unified Field of Expanded Quantum/Super Consciousness

Your LightBody is the MOST IMPORTANT part of this entire process, as it’s HOW you achieve all as PURE LIGHT. Your LightBody gives you access to all on a multi-dimensional level and does everything FOR YOU, yet what it REQUIRES FROM YOU will be more than your human ego aspect will want to “do”. Your […]

Spiritual Perspectives

∞ Christ Consciousness ∞

The term “Christ” means a person whose conscious of their behavior and actions, and can give/receive love and compassion without wanting anything back in return.“Christ Consciousness” means, a person who embraces and demonstrates divinity. Divinity refers to the highest characteristics, personal qualities of the absolute divine. Therefore, a “Divine Person” means an individual that can […]

Spiritual Perspectives

The Leap Foward ∞ Aug Tellez

This is what is being done to restore Earth and Humanity. This is about Humanity or Animal life. Free-Will or Automation and Deception. The fallen races use deception to transfer their ‘seals’ onto specific bloodlines on Earth. They use this to take their genetic material into their vessels and then guards them so that they […]

Earth Changes, Galactics, Transhumanism, Zeitgeist

FAQ – QUESTION: Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time? ∞ Alfred Lambremont Webre

QUESTION Why is weather warfare Hurricane Dorian occurring at this time? ANSWER Hurricane Dorian as a weather warfare DEW directed energy Weapons event & associated DEW driven mass shootings are timed by the Chronogarchy to overwhelm the public mind and airwaves with catastrophic and fearful memes, specifically to block the Barcelona-based public presentations and interviews […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Form is the shape of consciousness

“Just because we have been back-stage at the continuum and seen how the sets are put together does not mean that manifest reality is an illusion! Form is the shape of consciousness; matter matters! Everything is real, nothing is an illusion, not even ‘nothingness’ itself, which is simply ‘everything’ at a different stage. To be […]

Spiritual Perspectives

The Downside of Non-Duality – When Oneness Consciousness Goes Wrong! ∞ Nanice Ellis

  By Nanice Ellis Contributing writer for Wake Up World On the path of awakening, the experience of Oneness is a major milestone for most serious seekers, and, sooner or later, virtually everyone who experiences Oneness also realizes that there is no real point or purpose to life. While for many, this shocking realization becomes a sticking […]