New Science, Transhumanism

The Unified Field and the Quantum Nature of Consciousness ~ Alex Vikoulov

by Alex Vikoulov “Information is the resolution of uncertainty.”- Claude Shannon We’re getting closer to incorporate consciousness as an integral part of the scientific picture of the “physical world”. Not only celebrated physicists of the 20th century such as Max Plank, John Wheeler, David Bohm, Niel Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger argued that consciousness is a fundamental […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Just like the cycles of the moon turn from light to dark grey, so to does our consciousness go through cycles of being asleep and awake …~ Alistar Valadez

art by Justin Totemical …”Just like the cycles of the moon turn from light to dark grey, so to does our consciousness go through cycles of being asleep and awake, for no matter how wise we are or how rich and powerful we become, the universe has higher patterns that many of us have become […]

New Science, Transhumanism

Memory, Synthetic Consciousness and Programmable Identity ~ Aug Tellez

image from the film Transcendence (2014) The current transhuman agenda is due to a monumental confusion regarding consciousness and the true nature of “Matter”. A failure to understand that we are all fractals of One Consciousness, an inseparable aspect of a Sentient holographic paradigm.  There are monumental events unfolding regarding the evolution of all sentient […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Civilization-Wide, Collective Self-Awareness through Technology or Spiritual Capacity~ Aug Tellez

  The advancement of technology changed the world by enabling instantaneous information transfer through mind to mind interface. This is called ‘synthetic telepathy’. It’s difficult to fully grasp how advanced the situation has become. This technology is combined with the atmospheric radiant energy systems and the entire world is logged on to an Internet platform […]

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

Synchronicity: The Universe’s Software Programs

By Anthony Tyler Guest writer for Wake Up World Despite the recognition that Carl Jung has received throughout the last century or so, the importance of his work still cannot be stressed enough. The real beauty of Jung’s work was his ability to conceptualize a variety of esoteric, even shamanistic concepts through scientific, empirical observation. While some might still […]

Spiritual Perspectives

The Viral Parasitic Consciousness~Aug Tellez

The parasite is an organism native to the fallen universe. There is no internal observer experiencer. The expressions that are normally based upon internal feelings of the human are actually projections and imitations that are calculated through a binary computational system that is dependent on machine learning AI feedback based upon human interaction. The goal […]

Spiritual Perspectives

“IT is said that the only thing we can truly influence and transform in this world is the process of our own consciousness ~ Alistar Valadez

.”IT is said that the only thing we can truly influence and transform in this world is the process of our own consciousness, for how we perceive the world changes the direct relationship we carry with all that surrounds us. The universe always has a way of restoring order within the chaos of reality, as […]

Spiritual Perspectives

Biological Immortality, Self-Awareness, Free-will, Truth and Compassion ~ Omnipulse

  The projects were about biological immortality. The disturbances were made apparent when individual consciousnesses were passed through a technological system to house the consciousness in between experiences on the physical Earth plane. What happens between the physical plane and the non-physical is an entire universe worth of experience, literally a ‘mirror-world’ to this one. […]