Emptiness is the Alchemical State

Spiritual Perspectives

February 25, 2016 by Tiara Kumara To be empty means to be aware of a supreme source in your life and allowing the grace of its power to carry and to sustain you at all times, in full faith. We are not proclaiming to really know anything for all true knowing is of this absolute […]



Spiritual Perspectives

~ Raz Iyahu Not being aware of the difference between you and the thought-stream is like having a hidden parasite in your stomach that robs you of food. In doing this, it cleverly leaves you in a constant state of hunger and thereby secretly enslaves you as its source of existence. The thought-stream systematically works […]


Jamye Price ~ Folding Time

Spiritual Perspectives

Blessed Being, Time is a construct of your physical reality. It responds to the resonance of the collective of Earth, and it responds to each individual. Just as all of your experiences on the earth plane do, Time responds to the duality experience—visibly unique/separate from you as it flows from day to night; and it is invisibly […]


The corruption is in the matrix ~~ Juliet J. Carter

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Justin Guse ‘ Popular projections of what a transformation in consciousness is going to look like are in most cases a revamp of the ‘box’ – a bigger, better box in which upgrading the paradigm means improving the conditions in which we can indulge our addictions in a ‘green’way. As essential as ecological […]


Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek~~ Quotes

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

Know that as it is through the lower ego mind that we experience lower frequency emotions of resistance, control, judgment, sorrow, regret, gulit and fear. It is through letting go, allowing, acceptance, love, forgiveness, peace, compassion and kindness that we awaken into unity consciousness and activate our light body.     Know that as there […]


Message to Ground Crew – Sirian Council of Light

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

By Anna Merkaba The transformation of collective consciousness has begun unfurling in your reality full force. The transmutation and deliberate invocation of innovative ideas and energetic upliftment is underway. Through the utilization of innovative concepts and comprehension of new technologies by the protégées stationed on GAIA. Through this set of new technologies encapsulated in the […]
