Laws of Human Consciousness


Observe our self, know our self, and slowly bring order out of chaos. Arnold Keyserling, Charles Tart, and others discovered that our own consciousness is the main hindrance to our realization of full potential. We are not only held back by weak thinking, but by our fragmented and constricted consciousness. We cannot answer the big […]


Alex Grey :: How to Save the World Interview


Alex Grey is an American artist specializing in spiritual and psychedelic art (or visionary art). His body of work spans a variety of forms including performance art, process art, installation art, sculpture, visionary art, and painting. Alex  speaks on the importance of art as a means of shifting consciousness. This clip belongs to the How […]


In Total Silence The Mind Comes Upon The Eternal ~ J Krishnamurti


  What Love Is Not 7th Public Talk, Saanen, Switzerland, 22nd July, 1979 In Total Silence the Mind Comes Upon the Eternal Why is there constant strife and seeking? Are we seeking superficial sensory experience or something timeless that thought has not touched at all? Can thought with its limitation enquire deeply? Is observation the […]


Can we live without any conflict in our lives ~ J Krishnamurti


We were talking yesterday about conflict. We were saying that we human beings have lived on this beautiful earth, with all its vast treasures, with its mountains, rivers and lakes, during millennia and yet we have lived in perpetual conflict. Not only in outward conflict with the environment, with nature, with each other, but also […]


Your Body is a Gateway to Your Cosmic Full Spectrum Potential


7th March 2013 By Mona Bhattacharya Guest Writer for Wake Up World The quality of your life can be attributed to this one simple fact: It’s all about your frequency! After all, we live in a vibrational universe, and any upward shifts in your frequency actually increases the quality of your experience. Collectively, we have recently […]


Commander Ashtar speaks to the new earth in TRUTH

Ascension, Galactics

Channeler: Karen Doonan Those who are able to discern my energies will now be able to understand my communication for I come to communicate through this channel for a reason. For those who are waiting on confirmation of the new earth then THIS is confirmation of the new earth in TRUTH. Those who have sought […]


Realizing Our Infinity as Spiritual Beings ~ Wes Annac


(Part 1/4) I would like now to explore some of the ways we can develop into the multidimensional souls we have always been, and realize our infinity. As aspects of the One Infinite Creator, we have always naturally possessed within, the abilities and expanded perspectives so many people are just beginning to open up to […]




Beloved masters, what we term as Sacred Breath consists of the normal third- / fourth-dimensional air containing oxygen as well as Prana, which is third- / fourth-dimensional air/ether that also contains the Adamantine Particles of Creator Light. The magnitude and power of these Divine Particles increase with each higher level of consciousness you attain. The […]


Ascension Whispers: Understanding More Of Source


Welcome To Ascension Whispers Please take what assists you and leave what does not. 2-25-13 Understanding More Of Source: As long as a spark of Source is experiencing individuation within Source, it will remain impossible to fully understand “Unlimited Source”. There is no ending or beginning to Source. Source simply is, always has been and […]


Solar Seed 2013

Ascension, Galactics

Communion with Divine Consciousness flows through our understanding of cosmic order. Our Sun is the ultimate form of holistic Consciousness, the gateway to the heart of the cosmic hologram. As we have now passed through the 2012 solstice portal into a new era our challenge is to translate and embody the Source code embedded in […]


Gregg Braden – Institute of HeartMath


For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally […]


2012-2017 The next five years ~~ The true Grid of Earth


Sun Feb 17: 2012-2017 The next five years The next five years, from 2012-2017, the energies will escalate and the Grid will enhance itself. The ones ready to work with the outer and inner realities have to follow the Grid, work with it, enhance their energysystem, i.e. cleanse and raise the vibration in it to […]
