
“You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness.” – Terence Mckenna


Living In A Hologram: Our Holographic Reality


  Where the universe was once seen as an empty space with bits of matter scattered about is now being seen as a holographic projection stemming from some primary reality unseen to our biological and technological instruments. The evidence for a holographic reality is becoming quite plentiful; too much to be disregarded. What gives it […]


A Vedic Perspective Navigating the Material Realm


The beautiful image above portrays the design of the fifth chakra. We speak our truth through this energy center. The perspective below adorns us, the reader, with an awakened perspective. I am posting this article as a continuation-response to several of my earlier posts. Insight and inquiry is the best way to sort our way […]


Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ As the waves of Light continue to wash over the planet, all hidden corners of the world which flourished in secrecy and negativity are now being exposed to the light of truth.


July 14-21, 2013 Beloved Ones, As the waves of Light continue to wash over the planet, all hidden corners of the world which flourished in secrecy and negativity are now being exposed to the light of truth. Each one that is exposed helps to lift the veils of illusion from the consciousness of humanity. The Earth […]


The Hathors through Wes Annac: Decreasing Energetic Distortion, Your Sacred Connection and the Love of Source

Ascension, Galactics

1 July 2013 Channeler: Wes Annac The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Decreasing Energetic Distortion, Your Sacred Connection and the Love of Source Numerous energetic upgrades continue to take place in the minds and hearts of every last one of you responding to the increasingly-pure energies you’re being delivered. We, like many others, encourage […]


Archangel Metatron ~ Ascension; what does it entail? And an update: Everything is already finished on the etheric level and now the physical aspects will be drawn through the center point of the cosmos ~ Méline Lafont

Ascension, Galactics

Archangel Metatron as channeled by Méline Lafont –  JULY 1, 2013 I greet all of you in the name of my Presence of Love and gratitude. I Am Archangel Metatron, at your disposal at all times. In the name of the Heavenly Realms of Light I bring you great tidings full of love as well as […]


The Knowing – What Else Is Needed – Flow ~~ Lucas


In listening to all sort of people speaking of their newly found connections and talking about their own shifts in bodily and mental changes  in the moment of now I feel great joy and bliss.  The changes are coming fast. From healing to manifesting probabilities in seconds it all is now at reach for those […]


Short Situation Update


Significant progress has been made after the opening of the Portal on May 25th. On the non-physical planes, the final offensive of the Light forces to clear all remaining negative entities has commenced. This offensive will continue until the final and complete liberation of the non-physical planes and the Light forces will not retreat under […]


The Importance of Inner Alignment ~ Owen K. Waters


Many people in society today work at jobs they don’t like, and find themselves with little or no time for activities that increase the quality of their lives. Such people are being kept out of alignment with their inner selves. Traditionally, society has pressured people into conformity. Peer pressure to conform to an immediate social […]


Archangel Michael via Ron Head: If It Were True, What Would You Do Next?


  Archangel Michael: If It Were True, What Would You Do Next? channeled by Ron Head, June 24, 2013 at: Please accept our congratulations on passing another important marker on your way to higher awareness, greater consciousness. Although you will certainly not feel any different today than you did last Friday, we can assure […]
