Just like the cycles of the moon turn from light to dark grey, so to does our consciousness go through cycles of being asleep and awake …~ Alistar Valadez

Spiritual Perspectives / Thursday, October 18th, 2018

art by Justin Totemical

…”Just like the cycles of the moon turn from light to dark grey, so to does our consciousness go through cycles of being asleep and awake, for no matter how wise we are or how rich and powerful we become, the universe has higher patterns that many of us have become blind to and ignore! We may wish for a life to be lead by only love and light, but just as the seasons change, the polarity of life runs deep through the course of our veins. When we think about IT, how would we ever know that we are dreaming if it were not for the process of awakening to remind us of this opposite nature? How would we know what life IS if there was not the threat of death to affirm IT? We may never know the ‘why’ in life, but we can know ‘what is’!… Notice how the best stories that inspire us are the story of the hero, the one who overcomes great conflicts, and triumphs over the shadow influence, as they transcend towards the rising sun becoming a true god or goddess co-creator!

Do not underestimate the power of your influence, for we each have a specific task at hand before us, and we each have our own specific set of conflicts and experiences that we will encounter along this journey, and IT is this that will serve as platforms for the expansion or decay of our spirit! At times we may get sidetracked from the Universal tasks and assignments, as we may get caught up in the drama of life and begin to cling to dreams and illusions. But just like meditating on our breath, we can shift our awareness and suddenly shift and sway the living currents, regaining the connection to the co-creative process. The key is finding and bridging that gap between the conscious and unconscious, it’s found within seeing the unconscious at work within our-self, for this self reflecting process is what makes the unconscious conscious as we reclaim fate!”
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