What is the Real Matrix?

Spiritual Perspectives

  Khris Krepcik, Contributor Waking Times The underlying nature of reality is that Everything is Energy. It’s not a concept. It’s not a theory. It’s reality. We live in a multidimensional universe of holographic etheric fields — fields upon fields of subtle vibrational forces, particles, and strings. And even if you cannot see the fields, you will sometimes feel and sense […]


The Luminous Ground ~ Iona Miller

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

    Light is a form of transition from three-dimensional space, the aether, to the space with four dimensions. All forms of energy originate as light. We’re beginning to understand what nature has been hiding beneath her mystic veil of non-observability. The zero-point field is a blinding light. containing all the energy potential available to […]


Consciousness – The Unified Field

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

  Keith R. Holden M.D, Guest Waking Times What follows is a theoretical explanation of how energies interact in our universe to create what we know, and also what we don’t know. Some of the content is scientifically proven, while other parts of this essay are based on my intuition. This is not meant to […]


Sound, Matter and the Woven Universe

Ancient Science, Spiritual Perspectives

  V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times The ancient Sanskrit text, The Rig Veda, describes our ancient progenitors as weaving the universe with their cosmic sacrifice, YAJÑA. The universe is interwoven in the vaults of heaven on shuttle-wheels [cakrus-tasarâny-otave], backwards and forwards. By rays of the gods, by the threads extended, drawn out, spreading on […]


Mysterious Loud Booms And 5D Earth

Ascension, Earth Changes, Spiritual Perspectives

  by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In5D.com   Loud booms are being heard all over the planet and they may be associated with 5D earth. This information was gathered by Linda Moulton Howe’s research of Duncan Roads investigation into the extraterrestrial downloading of 20,000 pages of information into the CIA computers in South Africa. Howe […]


Neuroscientist Describes Cases Of Out of Body Experiences

Spiritual Perspectives

Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Scientific knowledge is expanding every day at an exponential rate, and the implications of new developments, particularly those that challenge the current framework regarding the true nature of reality, are far-reaching indeed. One area that continues to become a focal point of study for many physicians and neuroscientists is the relationship between […]
