SHAMAN’S DEATH ~~ The Template ~ Juliet Carter

Spiritual Perspectives

  As a caterpillar comes to the end of its evolutionary capacity in its present form it begins to embrace the frightening prospect of total transformation. It builds its own cave in which to retreat and allow for the metamorphosis that will utilise the propensities encoded into its matrix, to reveal the full extent of […]


The Present Moment as a Teacher

Spiritual Perspectives

by Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D. Guest writer, We, who strive to achieve spiritual development, often have the feeling that certain people or situations impede that development. There are a number of things that may hamper us in our progress along our spiritual way. Sometime people find bad karma as the gravest obstacle in their […]


Stages of Conscious Awakening

Spiritual Perspectives » 7 January 15 It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are. The problem is that even when physically awake, we can still be mentally asleep, unaware of ourselves and entirely absorbed in whatever mechanical impulse or external stimulus captures our attention. This state […]


Connect The Dots .:. The Template

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

light_symphonia_17_by_love1008 The profile of the Template is steadily growing as an authentic and powerful path of transcendence because it is changing lives and initiating phenomenal physical, mental and emotional transformation. There is no difference between the unwritten laws of synergy that lie at the heart of the shamanic dynamic and the higher physics of creation. […]



Spiritual Perspectives

BEAUTIFUL SOULS OF HUMANITY, I AM QUAN YIN. My Divine Presence is with you. I am shining my light upon you, to surround you, and as you absorb it, to fill your whole body-mind. I will tell you more about my light, Beloveds, as light carries information. My Light teaches you to soften your body […]



Spiritual Perspectives

  My every breath Strengthens my ability To embody my holistic identity As an emissary of Source This sacred day My awareness of the Sun As a mediator of Source Consciousness Activates my cognizance That light is my living truth This sacred day My every breath awakens My memories of the immortal constant As my […]


New Earth Arrivals ~ What Matters Most

Spiritual Perspectives

  Good afternoon dear lighted ones, Have you ever wondered about the ‘wave’ of ascending humans making their way to new earth? There has been a few versions of what truly will occur when Gaia is fully ready to make ‘the shift’ with Venus in her new location within our galaxy, and even to this […]
