Inter-dimensional Communication Portals


   The Arcturians Greetings, we are the Arcturians. We are here within this Nowness to commune with you about expanding your consciousness so that you can perceive and move into alternate, parallel and higher dimensional realities. Your consciousness is shifting in between that which you have once perceived as yesterday or tomorrow. In fact, you […]


Pleiadian Acclimatization ~~ Joanna L. Ross


by Joanna L. Ross, September 16, 2015 | Good morning, dear lighted ones. Yesterday, as I finished off my first fall video for our Free Learning page, I felt the desire to meditate. I tuned in with my ever-expanding team of guides and advisors because in the past few weeks I have sensed the energy of new […]


Separation of Worlds

Ascension, Galactics

  by ~ Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, During the end of this month, on September 28, 2015, the final of the four consecutive total lunar eclipses known as a tetrad will take place. This month’s Blood Moon signifies the conclusion of several cycles of time in our planetary evolution and history.  On the positive side, […]


Cintamani ~ a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system


    Cintamani is a sacred stone which came from Sirius star system. Millions of years ago, during a Galactic superwave, a planet orbiting Sirius A exploded. Its fragments traveled in all directions, some of them reaching Earth after long journey through interstellar space. In the last 26,000 years, the positive Agarthans were guardians of […]
