Homo Divinicus – the shape of things to come


  These are monumental times we’re blessed to be living in. Humanity is waking up from eons of amnesia. Gaia has centred in the Fifth Density and powerful evolutionary transitions of consciousness will unleash the earth from the restrictive and exploitative karmic energies of our past. To many, in these early hours, the full magnitude […]


States Of Consciousness


Higher consciousness is ever-increasing awareness of our spiritual essence, the meaning of life and of the underlying spiritual nature in all things. This state of consciousness are sometimes compared to the drop of water that is experiencing itself as the ocean, knowing that it was the ocean the whole time. Spiritual practice begins the process […]


What Makes Us Human?


  What makes us human? It can’t be our soul because our soul is beyond any kind of form – human, angelic, anything. It can’t be our dominant position on this planet because to people from other planets – also human – we’re considered an undeveloped society. Sheldan Nidle’s sources called us “a vital yet […]


The Birth Of New Earth ~ Suzan Caroll Ph.D


Greetings dear ascending ones, We the Arcturians are here to assist you during your ascension. As we look into your aura, we see that your ego is diminishing more each day. Whereas once your ego was a dominating component of your ability to survive physical embodiment, now it is becoming a manner of functioning in […]


Awakening the Light Within ~ Peter N. Borys, Jr.


  In order to awaken to our true self of infinite Divine consciousness, we must relinquish the conditioning of the disharmonic frequencies of our consciousness that is the operation of mind as thought and emotion.  This is the thinking mind and emotional energy system that is within both the conscious and unconscious levels of mind.  […]


Children of the Sun: Activating the Prosperity Code


Activating the Prosperity Code 1st Phase: Personal Transformation Since the beginning of 2014, we have been enduring unequivocally one of the biggest frequency upgrades that we have taken as a collective, initiating us into a completely new system of energy. When we enter into its rhythm, more is dropping away as if it never mattered […]


Quantum Timelines


by Chautauqua Augureye Express When it comes to the subject of quantum metaphysics there is a popular quote that helps me keep my sanity intact; “If you think you understand it, you haven’t been paying attention!” Universes, multiverses, string theory, membrane theory, super string theory, alternate realities, parallel dimensions; the many worlds theory, holographic reality […]


Aligning with the Greater Akashic Force


Introduction: From eruptions and protests to historical weather and genius discoveries, our world headlines certainly capture the essence of our changing polarity and its ability to rip some things asunder. Adding to this is a massive repolarization occurring in the planetary memory base, which holds the records of humanity. Certain ethereal imprints are being purged […]


Let the Meek Inherit the Earth ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm All around this planet, there are people who have the potential to really make a significant change for the better. Billions of brilliant minds exist that deserve to be given an equal opportunity to make decisions that affect all of us, but unfortunately, most people are kept down […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 1 ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm As difficult as it might be for some people to believe, our existence on this planet isn’t a random occurrence. Despite the extent to which random chaos seems to rule the world, everything happens in accordance with a coordinated divine plan, the result of which will be the […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 2 ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Continued from Part 1 As Silver Birch tells us below, our companions beyond the veil act in alignment with the divine plan by seeking to help us remember spirit. “The majority of mankind concerns itself only with physical growth. Some of it is concerned with mental growth and […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 3 ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Continued from Part 2 Spirit will encourage us to develop our talents and abilities. We’ll be encouraged to pursue things that we’re clearly good at and that we enjoy, and our development will never come to a halt again. In reality, our development really doesn’t ever halt – […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 4 ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Continued from Part 3 As the influence of spirit continues to pick up here on earth, what kind of teachings will we be given? In what ways will we change the current manner in which we function? In a beautiful quote, Silver Birch provides an answer to these […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 5 ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Continued from Part 4 A Chinese philosopher speaking through Charlotte Dresser tells us more about perceiving the divine plan from a greater perspective. “We see so plainly here the moving Power behind all; we see so clearly that the design is planned to make man the culminating figure […]


What is the Divine Plan? – Part 6 – Conclusion ~ Wes Annac


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm Concluded from Part 5 Phillip Gilbert tells us about our apparently constant desire to descend and ascend. “The life-force – what you call creative harmony – ‘spirit’ emanating from the source whose nature is always veiled, must express itself in form, created by thought. And, by expressing itself, […]
