Your Only Problem Is Your Own Mind


    Where does fear exist? Does it have any physical existence, can you hold it in your hand? Same with judgment, where does that exist? How about hatred, jealousy, all the negative emotions? Where do all these things “exist”? Are not all these things the cause of enormous pain and suffering for people? It […]


Chris Bourne – Humanity is Waking Up from Lifetimes of Amnesia and Ascending In Consciousness – 5-24-14


  BREAKING THE INTERVENTION Humanity was always meant to be fully multidimensional, interconnected with the higher realms of consciousness and centred in the natural flow of the universe: a benevolent guidance that co-creates situations for maximum soulful expression, the bountiful experience of interconnectivity and expansive evolutionary growth. Although it’s difficult to perceive and accept, until […]


The Story of Light and Dark


God is whatever I want It to be. Actually god is whatever I feel it to be. What a startling thing to say! But, I ask myself, what about Saturn?  Pluto?  How did they get there?  I didn’t consciously want them to be there. The answer is mass consciousness. The difference between mass consciousness and […]


Spiritual Consciousness ~ Owen K Waters


Successful seekers of spiritual wisdom share one outstanding common bond. They have all passed through the gateway of the heart into the first of the spiritual stages of human development. There are twelve stages of conscious evolution designed into our experience as human beings. They range from the basic will to survive all the way […]


Your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as your brain sees you two as one being.


BY ANNA MERKABA   Geneticists have discovered that human DNA undergoes an evolutionary jump by activating some junk DNA when a person is sending positive frequencies through positive affirmations in gratitude. “Here’s the kicker, your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as your brain […]


Saṃsāra and Nirvana – the Ultimate Duality


    By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The more I learn about Buddhism, the more I appreciate the many teachings of Buddha and the subsequent learned people who followed him, and the more I hear people speaking on such lessons – whether they realize it or not. Truth resonates like that. […]


When The Time Comes… ~ Wes Annac

Ascension, Zeitgeist

  There’ll come a time when the cabal’s unable to escape justice, and they’ll be forced to answer for their crimes against humanity. A time when our collective forgiveness will be tested more than it’s ever been, and our ability to accept each other will grow as much as our political and spiritual awareness. A […]




From “An Ascension Handbook” by Tony Stubbs Your physical body exists in the 3rd dimension – it is matter-based. The 4th dimension is the astral plane – it is emotion-based. Together these two make up what we call the Lower Creation World. These are the dimensions where the game of separation is carried out. Only in these dimensions can […]


Vedanta – The Science of Self Discovery


Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times At the heart of Hinduism is a spiritual and philosophical framework known as Vedanta. To understand the distinction between the two, it’s important to understand the origin of the word Hindu. When the first explorers from Persia traveled to India (then known as Bharat), they came across the Indus […]


The 3 Essential Practices For Consciousness Evolution


  Written by BRANDON WEST   Consciousness evolution is the process of becoming universal consciousness. And in order to do so, all that we need to do is simply open up a channel within us so that universal consciousness can flow through us uninhibited, because our highest self, the highest level of our consciousness is universal consciousness. This is […]


Beyond Science: How to Talk to Your DNA

Ascension, New Science

by Michelle Walling, CHLC Our DNA holds the secrets of immortality and wellness. Within it lies the wisdom of not only our genetic ancestors but our past and future life experiences as well. We have been told that we will be activating ten strands of dormant ‘junk’ DNA that are overlaid in the two active […]


Dying to Live…


Artwork by Josepine Wall: We live in a supportive Universe but do not live in a supportive system and it’s the principal of this conundrum that influences our lives by way of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual perspective.  The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison […]


Next Phase For Planet Earth And Star Seeds: PURIFICATION


Posted on April 6, 2014 by Judith KuselThere is a wave of massive energy changes now truly coming in and it is in the form of changes of the inner earth as well changes within us. In ancient times all was communicated through an intricate language of geometrical forms, shapes and sound.  Indeed, their patterns […]


Spiritual Guidance: Telepathic Seas of Information ~ Wes Annac


Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm Let yourselves escape into the blissful spiritual retreat your inner perception offers. When you get to know your inner perception, you’ll find yourselves infinitely able to reap its numerous benefits as you lovingly welcome a new way of life. You’ll be able to connect with us, your higher […]


Eliza Ayres ~ Council of Nine: On the Path

Ascension, Galactics

Greetings, we are the Council of Nine. We come today to address the rapid advancement of those who are undergoing the more advanced stages of ascension. This is occurring due to the magnificent effort by those involved in receiving the light codes and frequency upgrades being absorbed by your planetary body and your individual physical […]
