Ancient Science, Entheogens

‘Where the skull divides there lies the Gate of God.’ The Taittireeya Upanishad The history of the world is profoundly scattered with elements of mystical enlightenment and all the wonderful symbolism that surrounds them. From ‘cosmic precession’ and ‘ley lines’ to crystals and “magic mushrooms” – there is a whole range of different theories, which […]


The Story of Light and Dark


God is whatever I want It to be. Actually god is whatever I feel it to be. What a startling thing to say! But, I ask myself, what about Saturn?  Pluto?  How did they get there?  I didn’t consciously want them to be there. The answer is mass consciousness. The difference between mass consciousness and […]


Japanese Scientists Say Our Universe Is a Hologram

New Science

  There are many points of view on the origin of the universe: from scientific theories and single hypotheses, to philosophical and religious assumptions. One of the most common is the so-called Big Bang theory, according to which, the universe originated more than 13 billion years ago and is constantly expanding. Now, Japanese researchers presented evidence to suggest that […]



Ancient Science, Entheogens

  Blinded by the DMT Light Prophets, Procreation, & Parallel Worlds “I am created by Divine Light. I am sustained by Divine Light. I am protected by Divine Light. I am surrounded by Divine Light. I am ever growing into Divine Light.” —Swami Sivananda Radha, “Realities of the Dreaming Mind” (1990) This is Your Brain on […]


Black Whole Dynamics: The Origin of Consciousness ? ~ Brandon West

New Science

        Written by BRANDON WEST   In our universe, everything is energy. And there is no division in that energy; it is formless, infinitely dense, and available at every point in the universe in unlimited quantities. Therefore, what is consciousness? And what is the origin of consciousness? If everything is energy then there is no […]


Spiritual Consciousness ~ Owen K Waters


Successful seekers of spiritual wisdom share one outstanding common bond. They have all passed through the gateway of the heart into the first of the spiritual stages of human development. There are twelve stages of conscious evolution designed into our experience as human beings. They range from the basic will to survive all the way […]


Eurovision Winner: “We are Unity and We are Unstoppable”


  Newly-crowned Eurovision Song Contest winner, Conchita Wurst from Austria, has stormed to victory with the highest number of votes across the 37 voting countries for her performance of the ironically-titled song, Rise Like a Phoenix. But it wasn’t just because she won the show, watched by over 125 million people across Europe and elsewhere, as […]


Your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as your brain sees you two as one being.


BY ANNA MERKABA   Geneticists have discovered that human DNA undergoes an evolutionary jump by activating some junk DNA when a person is sending positive frequencies through positive affirmations in gratitude. “Here’s the kicker, your brain can’t tell the difference if you say or do something negative to yourself or to others as your brain […]


Saṃsāra and Nirvana – the Ultimate Duality


    By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The more I learn about Buddhism, the more I appreciate the many teachings of Buddha and the subsequent learned people who followed him, and the more I hear people speaking on such lessons – whether they realize it or not. Truth resonates like that. […]


When The Time Comes… ~ Wes Annac

Ascension, Zeitgeist

  There’ll come a time when the cabal’s unable to escape justice, and they’ll be forced to answer for their crimes against humanity. A time when our collective forgiveness will be tested more than it’s ever been, and our ability to accept each other will grow as much as our political and spiritual awareness. A […]
