Ron Head ~ Oneness – The Council

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  The Council We have spoken before on the topic of oneness, we wish to revisit it today. Will you understand it when we are done? Will you ever completely understand it? Let us tell you now, before we begin, that your learning, as well as our own, will never be over. Things never cease to […]


9 Key Components of the Shift Towards Higher Consciousness

Spiritual Perspectives

  Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times Facing considerable political, economic, social and ecological crises, the human race is desperate for a transformation and a new direction. Business as usual ensures that we are doomed to run a course of half-conscious self-destruction, as man-made catastrophes multiply and stress mounts in every aspect of life. We must […]


The future of DNA – Kryon

Spiritual Perspectives

  Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside, as he must for a channel like this to be given. He knows what this is like and has done it many times. He’s in a place, if you wish to call it that, and he is listening like you are […]


Shamanism ~~ Writers, Scientists, Artists & Musicians are the Shamans of Today

Entheogens, Spiritual Perspectives

Reconnecting with Nature Effective education must have a large experiential component, I said. Given the current critical imbalance between humans and other species, nature should be a primary area of experiential education. We should balance the abstractions of our classrooms with experiences of the wholeness of living, growing wild things. Following the centuries-old practice of […]


Your Body Is a Universe

Spiritual Perspectives

By Tiara Kumara, Golden Age of Gaia, October 30, 2015 Our consciousness does not reside inside the body. The body is held within our vast awareness! We are multidimensional beings and the creators of our physical reality, including our very own bodies. Therefore, we have the ultimate governance over all of the activities that take […]


WHAT IS INNER ALCHEMY? ~ Lisa Rising Berry

Spiritual Perspectives

art by Joma Sipe   NOVEMBER 3, 2015 | LISA RISING BERRY Just the term “Alchemy” makes most people think of a crazed medieval chemist stooping over arcane books trying to create gold from lead. The concept of Alchemy in Modern times has been lost to fantasy and lore. Even many of the spiritually awakened […]


Release and Fly

Spiritual Perspectives

  November 1, 2015 by Steve Beckow The work of Ascension in its simplest form is to complete our issues and emerge, to clear all ties and attachments and open to the wonderful energies that are lifting us up. When we remove the overburden, the treasure buried in the field makes itself known. It’s there […]


Form Is Shape of consciousness ~~ The Template ~~

Recommended, Spiritual Perspectives, Videos

  Thanks to Jiva & Juliet Carter on vimeo “Template Ceremony 2 Intro” “The Maha Tantra of Creation is the energetic development of differentiation from the One…the Monad… from the Source…the individualization of autonomous fractal aspects of primordial awareness conceived in order to enjoy relationship…. to explore the endless possibilities of life…as prime consciousness experiences […]
