Two ends of a Stick is Only ONE Stick

Spiritual Perspectives

Art by: Marcelo Adrian Germana …”There are some who say we are separate individual ego’s encased in a bag of skin, others will say we are one with the Universe…which is the right view? Well, the answer is revealed if we think of a stick, IT has two different ends, we can paint them different […]


Semantic, Symbolic & Noetic Field ~ Iona Miller

Spiritual Perspectives

  Fields are domains of influence. Storytelling describes a deep field of myth and archetype. Elements are woven together by narrative, metaphor and illustration. A semantic field is a set of words grouped by meaning referring to a specific subject, much like symbols are held in the subtle net of an image. The language of […]


Violet: The Seventh Ray of Consciousness

Spiritual Perspectives

  Judi Lynch – The Seventh Ray, also called the ray of order and magic, is the most ceremonial-minded of the seven rays. Creating, manifesting, cleaning, and making order of everything on the planet. Many of us have qualities from this ray and many others come in on this ray at full-force speed. Self-reliant, detail-oriented, talented, […]


The Origin, Purpose, and Destiny of the Earth Game

Spiritual Perspectives

By Jeff Street Guest writer for Wake Up World Understanding the origin, purpose, and true nature of the earthly reality that you are experiencing can be instrumental to transcending your current level of consciousness and moving up to the next level of the game. For some, especially the unawakened, this information might be a bit […]


Message from Mike Quinsey 2-24-17

Spiritual Perspectives

  24th February 2017. Mike Quinsey Changes are forging ahead and much important work is taking place, literally out of your sight because it involves bases located in the Inner Earth. It is all destined to take away the power from the dark Forces to hold you “prisoners”. With modern detection devices your true history […]


Shamanism Calling

Spiritual Perspectives

Good morning dear lighted ones, We are entering into a time in which we are remembering our shamanism, our ancient wisdoms, and the star knowledge of healing and inner chemistry will come to life, so that we may transform ourselves to a new species of light body humans. We have said there is a returning […]
