Time Of Transition For Planet Earth
15th. January 2016. Mike Quinsey Events are moving on very quickly and pressure is being put on those who are expected to announce Disclosure, to go ahead without delay. President Putin is the one who is applying the pressure and is currently leading the action to get results as soon as possible. Meanwhile the Earth […]
Greetings! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin speaking to you from The New Jerusalem. * At dawn on January 9, 2016 Venus conjuncts Saturn with Antares nearby. Venus is known as the Planet of Love and is the Sister Planet to Earth. Antares is a way station for Souls as they transition on. […]
Season 2, Episode 15 DW: Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure.” I’m your host, David Wilcock, and I’m here with Corey Goode, an insider who has worked in extremely classified programs, had direct contact with extraterrestrial intelligence, and is personally aware of an alliance that has access to extremely high technology which will be benevolently released […]
Dr. Greer has been involved in the highest levels of governments and military for over 25 years and will share what he has learned on the who, what, where and why of UFO secrecy and the deep transnational security state and the constellation of illegal projects that are currently operating. This 4 hour workshop […]
Art by Geoffrey Chandler This is a call I would like to make to the awakened population. Many contactees, whistle blowers and other teachers have come out throughout the years on this planet. They have shared with us very important information on various subjects, and in the end the whole point of the message is […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h8Rq4MK6UE Published on Dec 11, 2015 Quarantine Earth Endgame. It is safe now to release certain intel that will bring much clarity to the whole situation concerning the Event and the dynamic tension between the Light and the dark forces. http://prepareforchange.net http://2012portal.blogspot.com http://thepromiserevealed.com http://www.spherebeingalliance.com/ Like Us on facebook. https://facebook.com/theeventiscoming…
Published on Dec 25, 2015 Alien time wars and the galactic conflict being fought on Earth, and how ISIS in Syria is symbolic of a larger clash and chaos are explored with galactic historian Andrew Bartzis. Explore the different alien strains, reptile families, and church conspiracies that are orchestrating global disorder, and reaffirm that […]
Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 18th December 2015 – Original Source – Sacred School of OmNa Greetings, love and consciousness we, the Andromedans extend to you in support of your ascension and the valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous communication with you about the chaos […]
Greetings, love and consciousness, we, the Andromedans, extend to you in support of your ascension and the valuable period of evolution you are moving through at this time. We have spoken in our previous communication with you about the chaos which is developing or which you may becoming aware of within your being and […]
by Alex Putney for Human-Resonance.org October 15, 2015 The rapidly strengthening reverberations of infrasound resonance being experienced all over the planet and throughout our entire solar system are due to the close pass of the sun’s binary twin, an invisible brown dwarf companion star. So, where exactly is this ethereal brown dwarf companion? Information […]
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light Forces have started to clear the Chimera bases of the Kuiper Ring and are thus beginning to disintegrate the main defense line of the Chimera which previously prevented the Light forces from taking full control of the outer Solar System. There will be drastic changes in […]
Multi-Dimensional Portals and Lightship ~ December 10th 2015 Lightship Updates I woke up several times during the night hoping that the snow clouds would have moved on, and they did. I saw my Arcturan lightship shining with anticipation of our work together, and I got up to greet them at my window. As I […]
Season 2, Episode 11 12 Dec 2015 : 00:57 DW:: Welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure.” I’m your host, David Wilcock. And we are interviewing Corey Goode. So we’ve been talking about the development of our solar system by the military industrial complex, and the faction that we have been focusing on is the defense contractors […]
Dec 9 2015 1:47 PM It is important to know that there has been an increased wave of incoming energies radiating from the Galactic core through the Great Grand Galactic Central Sun system. Earth has reached a level in Light quotient that has allowed many ascended masters from distant star systems to travel to […]
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members […]
DECEMBER 12, 2015 BY ALFRED LAMBREMONT WEBRE Galactic History? – A Secret History of the Galaxy, uncovering the real stories behind the Star War series, based on Transpersonal Psychology Study? Yet biographical & autobiographical sources of The Secret History of the “Star War” series do not show George Lucas consciously created Star Wars […]
BY ANNAMERKABA on DECEMBER 9, 2015 Like a Phoenix she rises from the ashes of yesteryear to return to the pureness of BEing. Like a phoenix she sets herself on fire in order to soar higher than the smoke rising into the ethers. Returning to that which she truly is, foreseeing the unfolding of her […]
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and currently working full time with the Earth Council. At the present moment we are going toe to toe with the opposing forces. You can feel this energy being emitted from the current events. Some would like you to believe the lies and injustices are […]