
  In Physics, the zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may possess; it is the energy of the ground state of the system. All quantum mechanical systems have a zero point energy. The term arises commonly in reference to the ground state of the quantum harmonic oscillator. In […]



Ascension, Galactics

Transmitted through Ronna Herman MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL * LM-1-2013 TRANSMITTED THROUGH RONNA HERMAN Beloved masters, the God Rays which RAY-diated the Divine Blueprint/Seed Atoms for the Piscean Age have gradually diminished in power, for they are no longer receiving the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Consciousness supplied primarily by the luminous frequencies […]


The Shift Is Up To Us


To address the media hype around Dec 21, 2012, it will be important for us to hold a positive energy and convey an optimistic message. We really don’t need to repeat the fear that Y2K created. To that end, we would like to emphasize that there is a shift occurring, but how that shift plays […]


The Pineal Gland : A Stargate To Time Travel

Ancient Science, Ascension, Entheogens

The Pineal Gland is a hyper dimensional Stargate built into our human physiology which enables us to Time Travel. This technology was reverse engineered by the ancient Atlantean society. The stargate functions by the use of ordinary water, H2O. When shielded off from all of the electromagnetic references to our existing 3rd dimensional space/time… the […]


Arcturian Message ~ POINT OF PERCEPTION

Ascension, Galactics

Beloved Ones, we are the Arcturians, We bless you all on this important day of 12-21-12 and wish you all Happy Winter Solstice. We see your Lights amplifying with your every breath. From our perspective, Gaia is absorbing your increasing Light and sharing it will all who have not yet found the Fount of Light […]


Hilarion: We Welcome You with Great Jubilation!

Ascension, Galactics

As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – December 23, 2012 And so we now come into the new Golden Age. We welcome you with great jubilation! The energies are still very intense and will continue in their activating activities. Every living being on Earth is being activated and attuned to the higher dimensional frequencies and […]


Higher Frequency Sounds ~ A sign you are shifting into the Higher Dimensions: Archangel Metatron, Council of Angels, and Pleiadian Council of Light


    Channeled by Goldenlight, Full Moon, 11-28-12 I’ve been hearing this constant, high-pitched higher frequency sound now for about 3 weeks or so (maybe more)….it is something that I hear all the time now – hard to describe; the only way I can describe it is a “higher frequency sound” – it’s not […]


Meditations for the Galactic Aligments and Connections around 12/21/12


Council of Angels, Archangel Michael, and Source via Goldenlight: The Solstice of Dec. 21 is a time of No Time, a time frame of Connections and Alignments….A Time for Connecting with Source, your Higher Self, the Higher Dimensional Group Consciousness Light Grid, Gaiai’s 5th Dimensional (and higher) Light Grid, and the Angelic Realm via Source. […]


Awakening the Light Body Matrix

Ascension, Earth Changes

[vimeo w=400&h=300] Sacred Geometry, Sonic Codes… Awakening the Light Body Matrix The activation of the sustained reconnection of 33 circuits of Human bio-circuitry via a resonant response to the synergy of the geometric and sonic codes of creation. We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human […]
