The Arcturians: The Ascension is Now

Ascension, Galactics

  Suzanne Lie, August 20, 2015   __________________________ Dear Readers, This morning, the Arcturians shared a message with me (Wed., Aug., 19, 2015), and it follows: “We need you NOW. What you have waited for is here NOW. We, your galactic and planetary family, ask you to REMEMBER who you truly are and open up the […]


The True Meaning of Ascension


  By LJ Vanier -Aug 18, 2015 Ascension in its basic spiritual sense can be thought of as the highest state of humanity in terms of conscious awareness and spiritual evolution. It is the expansion of the minds perception and the clear understanding of being one with the creator. A oneness with the universe. Anyone […]


Ascension – Altering The World From Within


  by Rachel Mason For years we’ve been hearing about “ascension” and “awakening”, but perhaps you are still confused about what exactly is ascending – and to where. What if…..our consciousness IS the hidden spiritual realm both quantum physics and spirituality tell of.  By altering our brain waves and way of experiencing, we can alter […]


Light Bodies Are Being Re-Calibrated ~ Quan Yin


    Jenny Schlitz | Channeling the Masters We want to discuss with you the physical effects that so many of you are going through. These latest energy waves can be very trying on the physical form. As many of you know the waves have been building in intensity and will continue to do so […]


The Lion’s Gateway: Galactic Level Activations


  by Sandra Walter Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, Our Lion’s Gate passage opens Friday, August 7 and continues through Thursday, August 13. The crystalline focus continues, and you may have noticed amplifications in the HUman heart grid over the last few weeks. It is a brilliant, expansive phase of our evolution, beloveds. The energies are ever-increasing […]


Incoming! – The Council


  The Council What in the world is going on? Is that what you are feeling now? We know that many of you are. The more sensitive of you, even some who do not think of yourselves as such, are feeling, either physically, emotionally, or both as if something immense that you just cannot describe […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  BY ANNAMERKABA The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake […]


Sacred Geometry, Sonic Codes… Awakening the Light Body Matrix


We are the amalgamation of various visible and invisible energy systems that together generate the Human hologram. The primary system that supplies this unit with the energetic nature of Creative Intelligence that births the field is the circuitry system. At this time the circuitry system is considerably less than optimal. The fact that out of […]
