Category: Spiritual Perspectives
“I love you, I’m sorry, thank you, please forgive me.”
November is American Native Heritage Month which celebrates Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Native Hawaiians. Currently there are 573 federally recognized Indian nations in the United States. About 229 of these diverse nations are Alaskan Natives, and the rest are located in 35 other states. According to a consensus from 2017, there are 1.5 million […]
The Reptilian Resistance ∞ Teri Wade
by Teri Wade, Contributing Writer, One of the biggest advantages the Reptilian race and occult have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in a different dimensional frequency. You need to ask yourself how effective would they be if this veil of illusion was lifted? As we enter these higher […]
PERMISSION – The Ultimate Authority – by the Council of Radiant Light
ASHTAR COMMAND CREW So many of you, dear ones, wait for signs. Feel uncertain more often than you’d like. You look for validation. Seek echoes of your own inner knowing. Ask other people “what you should do…” And in your experience we are not questioning the joy of sharing your process, the fun of the […]
Beloved Ones, we greet you. As you move into the energy of this month you are being given the Gift of a Sacred Covenant being revealed, allowing another level of transformation within your own being. You became witness to a Huge Shift in mid-September, opening up a NEW Energetic terrain on Earth. As this NEW […]
Sirius, Inner Transformation, Technological Innovations, Observation and Tranquility ∞ Annamerkaba
Greetings my Beloved Masters of the Universe, today’s message comes to us from Sirius and talks about Inner Transformation, Technological Innovations, Self-Observation, and Tranquility. “Dearly beloved children of light, the intricate design of your spherical vehicles of time and space has been changing rapidly with the winds of change. Have been changing in accordance with […]
Awakening Your Inner Eye by Lord Melchizedek ∞ Natalie Glasson
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa It is with the deepest of love and respect that I, Lord Melchizedek, enter into the sacred space you have created in your life and energy field. I am honoured to be able to connect and share with you at this stage of your […]
SOFPHIA LOVE This time is like no other. Yet, still, we look for answers. Do you not see that the answers will come from us? We are up to the living part. The different ways we travel and fall and get up and run and skip and hide and sleep and scream and cry through […]
Multi-Dimensional Earth and Bringing in The New Earth ∞ Teri Wade
By: Teri Wade ~~~~~~~ As of 2012 when we entered the deepest part of the Photon Belt Earth became a multi-dimensional plane we are not a single dimensional plane anymore. We are in transition of the Precession of the Equinox. The Age of Aquarius will be unlike any reality we’ve known. Our veiled consciousness that we […]
Jumping Time lines: Intense Energy Times : Merging Dimensions : Feelings of Bliss and Happiness ∞ ANSHU SHARMA 6 D
Gaia has been subtly shifting frequency into a higher bandwidth which has created a quantum ripple
By @moonchildmomentsxx Gaia has been subtly shifting frequency into a higher bandwidth which has created a quantum ripple. This ripple has been felt as density shifting as the energetic magnetic field of Gaia has decreased to enable the dissolution of old grids connected and anchored Gaia at an energetic level which held the old earthen […]
Ascension and The Grand Experiment Unfolding ∞ Teri Wade
The Matrix we live in is a grid system that provides the light required to have a physical representation of consciousness in the form of a human body. The Matrix on Earth was hijacked and dominated by those controllers who control us through frequency. The New Matrix is allowing us to ascend in consciousness in […]
This is a time of transition, there’s great energy coming to the planet and all of your traits of who you are at the core are going to be put into action. There is the preparation going on that will make the task of differentiating conscious souls and unconscious souls. They will get denser and […]
Your Journeys Throughout the Galaxy ∞The 9D Arcturian Council ∞ Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are in the process of exploring which of your personality traits can be assigned to the different star systems that you are all from originally. We know, for example, that the trait associated with helping others, being of service, […]
Does evolution have a direction or is it a random walk constrained only by the laws of Nature? ∞ José Díez Faixat
10/25/2019 “Emergence of ever more complex structures seems to be programmed into the nature of our evolving cosmos.” -Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis All manifested reality appears, relentlessly, in the form of dualities. No form of expression is possible outside this play of the opposites. We cannot find sound without silence, object without subject, […]
Original Light ~ Cosmic Divine Light Transmission Now ∞ L’Aura Pleiadian
We are with you NOW. Travelling throughout the dimensions in no time, we access all pasts and future worlds. All Was created and is unfolding instantaneously. That is; unfolding faster than the speed of Light. As it is all now taking place at the zero point field. The accessing point, your Heart centered focus, is […]
Base 12, Natural Order of Christos Blueprint ∞ Lisa Renee
Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with recent revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over timelines. Ongoing changes in the architecture and timelines are having a ripple effect, weakening AI structures and essentially moving soul and monadic families out of artificial timelines. […]
We are walking in higher states of consciousness
We are preparing ourselves to step into the most expanded year to date, 2020. Thus we are preparing to step into the most expanded aspects of ourselves to date. We are walking in higher states of consciousness, We are speaking in higher states of consciousness. We are Being in higher states of consciousness. And right […]
The Time IS now to Awaken to who You Really ARE! ∞ Alistar Valadez
…”The time is now to awaken to who you really are! For you ‘create’ the life you live, and this includes all the good with the bad, for it is only our judgments that ‘create’ conflict within our lives. They say let thee free of sin cast the first stone, yet this world is filled […]