The Reptilian Resistance ∞ Teri Wade

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

by Teri Wade, Contributing Writer, One of the biggest advantages the Reptilian race and occult have over us is the ability to use illusion while being hidden in a different dimensional frequency. You need to ask yourself how effective would they be if this veil of illusion was lifted? As we enter these higher […]


Sirius, Inner Transformation, Technological Innovations, Observation and Tranquility ∞ Annamerkaba

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

Greetings my Beloved Masters of the Universe, today’s message comes to us from Sirius and talks about Inner Transformation, Technological Innovations, Self-Observation, and Tranquility. “Dearly beloved children of light, the intricate design of your spherical vehicles of time and space has been changing rapidly with the winds of change. Have been changing in accordance with […]


Gaia has been subtly shifting frequency into a higher bandwidth which has created a quantum ripple

Ascension, Earth Changes, Spiritual Perspectives

By @moonchildmomentsxx Gaia has been subtly shifting frequency into a higher bandwidth which has created a quantum ripple. This ripple has been felt as density shifting as the energetic magnetic field of Gaia has decreased to enable the dissolution of old grids connected and anchored Gaia at an energetic level which held the old earthen […]


Does evolution have a direction or is it a random walk constrained only by the laws of Nature? ∞ José Díez Faixat

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

10/25/2019 “Emergence of ever more complex structures seems to be programmed into the nature of our evolving cosmos.”  -Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis ​All manifested reality appears, relentlessly, in the form of dualities. No form of expression is possible outside this play of the opposites. We cannot find sound without silence, object without subject, […]


We are walking in higher states of consciousness

Spiritual Perspectives

We are preparing ourselves to step into the most expanded year to date, 2020. Thus we are preparing to step into the most expanded aspects of ourselves to date. We are walking in higher states of consciousness, We are speaking in higher states of consciousness. We are Being in higher states of consciousness. And right […]
