Ones, we greet you. As you move into the energy of this month you are
being given the Gift of a Sacred Covenant being revealed, allowing
another level of transformation within your own being. You became
witness to a Huge Shift in mid-September, opening up a NEW Energetic
terrain on Earth. As this NEW Essence of a flowing Light Consciousness anchored throughout your planet, a NEW Paradigm was made accessible.
As a result of this powerful transformative happening there has been a
complete energetic reset as a direct flow of Light has emerged from the
Higher Realm Consciousness. This has created a series of Waves that have
formed a stable Crystalline formation within all of the grids on the
planet. Through this Crystalline form, Multidimensional layers have been
revealed and activated across the planet, allowing a Higher aspect of
God Consciousness to infiltrate and integrate across the Earth.
These layers of Higher Vibrational Light have created a series of
openings that give you access to the Higher Realm Consciousness. As
these vast flows of Light are descending from the Higher Realms to
Earth, the Central Magnetic Core of your planet is being reformed and
reconstructed into a pure Crystalline frequency, which is pulsing
outwards. This pulse is interacting through your Heart Cells and
simultaneously transmitting through your Universe. This Crystalline
frequency is NOW fully aligning Earth to the rest of your resident
Universe. A pure Light resonance is opening up a vibrational Harmony
within the entire Universe — and never before in the history has this
This New Creation of Light is
birthing a NEW ERA of Awakening, heralding in a New Potential, and a New
Way of BEing, for those of you who are ready to engage with this Higher
Consciousness Pathway. This is a time of evolution, a time for
revelations to be unveiled to you, for the full potential of your Sacred
Heart to be realized. Through your conscious choice to engage within
your Heart, you can bring your SELF Home.
So much is being
offered and revealed to you as you actively choose to reconnect to the
Higher flows of Multidimensional Light and utilize the tool of your
Multidimensional Heart. There is an expanded unlimited vastness to your
Heart, and it is essential to begin to familiarize and recall the
essence of this aspect of your SELF.
Remember, this is your
time to actively birth your SELF into a further understanding of your
mission, and a deeper clarity of the role you are to play on this Earth
plane and within the entire Universe. This is the time for the
Self-Manifestation of Divine Love to be released and expressed through
your own Heart.
Your Love is a powerful transmitter that
strongly impacts the Universe as it flows naturally from your Heart.
This is the time for a Heart-Felt experience with the Magic of your
SELF, which has always existed within your Earth plane. The Magic aspect
of you has been hidden within the third-dimensional illusion, but Now
through your Heart there can be an unveiling of your own Magic. Your
Magic arises from the Love that is a natural component of your Sacred
Love exists naturally within
your Heart Cells, creating transmutation within the body. The Heart
plays the role of birthing and expanding aspects of your own unique
Divine God Light within your life. This Multidimensional aspect of you
is designed to nourish the cells of your entire physical body. The role
of your sacred nature is to embody Love, and as you choose to actively
engage within your Heart a deep Metamorphic process can move throughout
your physical cells to promote healing and rejuvenation.
is your time to take conscious moments to further activate this
unfolding within you. Almost as though you are a New bud of a Flower,
each time you engage within your Heart the petals begin to loosen and
then slowly open up to the full Light of the Sun. Your journey right NOW
is a Self-Birthing process, of you unfolding, like the Bud of a Flower
to the Sun.
As you choose to Align to your Heart consciously,
you begin to activate an Alignment to your God Light. This is your Sun.
This is a natural response of your Higher SELF as you choose to hold
your Heart and bring your Awareness into your Heart. Your God Light
begins to illuminate through you. You get to open up and bathe in your
unique God Light, receiving the vast Love of your Multidimensional SELF,
receiving and being birthed through the Love within your Heart.
This step of activating your God Light is subtle at first as it awakens
through you, and then gradually its brilliance begins to grow. Know
that you are being launched into a NEW ORDER of your own God Light,
which has been made accessible to you through the recent Higher Realm
Alignments. This is your time to Let Go and be willing to allow changes
to unfold within your life, in a different way, by trusting the inner
guide of your Heart. This is a time to consciously celebrate a New Order
of your life — not being distracted by the illusion of drama on your
planet, rather by engaging in a steady and consistent Alignment to your
Take moments in each day to BE Aligned to your Heart.
Each experience, no matter how long it lasts, will create building
blocks of reconnection to the Stillness, Peace and Stabilization that
arise through a relationship within your Multidimensional Heart Space.
Your God Light will BEgin to actively engage within you.
how the energy and essence of your day changes as you choose this
reconnection moment at the beginning of your day. You will begin to
sense that you are interacting within a flow, like a current moving you,
positioning you throughout your day. Then, just before sleep, as you
choose to reconnect to the Sacred aspect of your Heart you will deepen
your alliance further. You will feel, sense or see an Enlivening of your
SELF through a Rebirthing.
Birthing You. The only way you can Awaken is by consciously choosing to
re-engage with your Heart. This conscious action will transform and
empower you because you are choosing a Higher Path of Consciousness for
your SELF. The only link to Truth is within your Heart. All of these
reconnections are made possible Now through the vastly changed energetic
landscape of your planet.
Each one of you is being called,
regardless of where you find yourself at this time on Earth. No matter
how you view yourself from an ego mind standpoint, you are ready to
engage and develop this New Pathway of your Higher SELF. Understand at
this moment that your ego mind is unable to perceive Truth. The ego does
not comprehend that you have a vast Multidimensional nature that is
your Higher SELF.
Do not try to convince your ego mind of this
fact. The mind will never be able to perceive the Truth of your Higher
nature, and this is not necessary to your journey. Nothing can get in
the way of your reconnection to your God Light. This is a pre-ordained
happening — an aspect of destiny. This was always going to be the right
time for you to allow this transformational change to take place. All is
in hand.
Gratitude for your life
accelerates your ability to align into your Sacred Heart. The Energy of
Gratitude is a stepping stone for you to take full responsibility for
your creation. You are being called to open up to this Truth through
being Grateful for all that you have experienced. This is a time for
True Gratitude begins as you open up to fully
receive all aspects of your life, exactly as it is, right in front of
you. You need to open up to receive the content of your journey thus
far, taking total ownership of everything you have co-created with your
Higher Self. When you move into full acceptance of the experiences you
have had, whether they are good or difficult, maybe some painful and
some joyful. One is not more than another, just different. Simply Be.
Play the role of witness to all that you have experienced. Open up into a
state of receivership to all that is about to be revealed to you on
your path.
None of these experiences define you. They were
created in order for you to have a human learning experience. As you
accept your journey and Breathe and Let Go into your life, a Shifting of
Energy can begin to take place within your world.
By choosing
to own these experiences, an opening can be created in your life, and
New doorways of opportunity can begin to flow within your life on every
level because you have chosen to own your full experience. New
possibilities begin to open in response to your ownership of your
creation. Your life opens as you open, like a bud of a flower, as you
receive Blessings from the Higher Realms.
At this juncture on the planet, Blessings are being returned to you,
and you can utilize these Blessings in your life Now. These Blessings
originate from your Higher Realm God Light — and they belong to you. So,
as you move and anchor into your Heart Space, you will begin to access
your Blessings anew to flow and transform every arena of your life.
Consciously build your Heart’s pathway and allow the sacred aspect of
you to be Self-Realized. Remember, this is achieved one step at a time,
one moment at a time. You are “perfectly imperfect” in your human
element. There is nothing you need to change about yourself to develop
your Higher SELF connections to your Heart right Now. Your sacred path
awaits you!
Open up and Let Go. Celebrate your path by
consciously anchoring and engaging deeply within your Heart. Know that
as you move into this month, the third-dimensional drama will continue
to intensify. As you work within your Heart, Let Go of all fear and
allow yourself to thrive within the sacred God Light, which is holding
you and supporting you.
We will witness you as you unfold,
knowing that you are a child of Light within the Universe. Open up to
call forward and fully receive the Blessings that are yours by Divine
We continue to hold the energetic platform for the
planet while you do your most significant work of Self-Resurrection
within your Heart! This is your Mission.
Channeled through Christine Day 💜
Shared with LOVE 💜
Pars Kutay