Love is the True Self as Soul-Body

Spiritual Perspectives

  The whole human journey of awakening is about emanating love.  Our sole purpose as incarnated souls is to be love, love, and receive love.  Thus, the entire journey of higher consciousness is only about love.  In being love, we emanate the Divine essence and energy. In describing the shift in consciousness, as well as […]


Culmination Point: theoretical to applied mastery

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  by Lauren C. Gorgo Since the beginning of 2012, when the ensoulment process began in earnest, those at the helm of human and planetary ascension have been tirelessly working toward the embodiment of divinity. During this deeply challenging window of time the Pleiadians have opened us up to so much new information regarding our transition into 5th dimensional, new human prototypes…and yet, […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  Whenever you have a resistance towards anything (person, place or thing), you end up creating an electrical charge, a quantum response.  This charge then becomes positive or negative depending on which pole you direct your sled towards. This place of Earth is filled with infinite possibilities. Possibility lives in every situation you are continually […]


Cosmic Radiation And Light Changes DNA

New Science, Spiritual Perspectives

  by Jeff Roberts *This article is based on academic research referenced in David Wilcock’s The Source Field Investigations and his follow up book The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe & You. I highly recommend you check out both of these books for further information. DNA is essential to any scientific understanding […]


DNA Upgrade, The Shift and Ascension

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, Everything in the universe is interconnected. In other words, our bodies are related to everything that corresponds to our physical senses. If you can see, smell, touch, hear or taste something, then that is related to your existence. We are connected to our planet as our planet is […]


Lisa Renee ‘Ascension Cycle Timeline’

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  World of Forces by Lisa Renee Dear Family, All of us are exposed and subjected to the World of Forces, existing within a constant interaction between a multitude of energies, forces, and entities, which further impact an action and reaction in every area of our lives. There are no coincidences and nothing is random. […]


Natalie Glasson ~ Peace of mind ~Vywumus

Spiritual Perspectives

  Peace of Mind by Vywumus Channelled through Natalie Glasson – 12th June 2015 – Sacred School of OmNa Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies. Peace of mind is […]



Alternative News, Spiritual Perspectives

  Recently, a jihadist group entered Iraq from Syria and conquered a significant part of its territory: Their purpose is to create a totalitarian Islamic state in that territory and they call it Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). That group is a joint creation of the Saudis and the US Cabal (with […]


Message from the Hyperboreans on the Creation of 5D1 New Lemuria in the Night of June 4, 2015

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  by GEORGI STANKOV Carla Thompson, June 6, 2015 Yesterday, on June 4th, I was graced with a strong connection to representatives of the grand Hyperborean civilization. I have never channeled this group before (except for contacting us once in a telepathic manner in 2014) and their energy signature is quite different from that […]


Living In-Between

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives

  Introduction to Becoming ONE ~ People and Planet It is all about attention and intention. In the higher dimensions your attention sets your intention, and they are as loud as your voice is in the third dimension. In fact, they are louder because they create powerful thought-forms that feel like the wind against your […]
