Steve Beckow: The Real Ascent

Spiritual Perspectives

  By Steve Beckow, Golden Age of Gaia, August 13, 2015 In my view, we’re at a very special part of the spiritual path. It’s a place of beginning and it’s known by many names. It could be called the centerpoint, the heart, the balance point, the stillpoint. We often call it normalcy or our […]


Pleiadian Teachings on Sexuality & Consciousness

Spiritual Perspectives

  Excerpt from “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak Chapter 20: “Sexuality : A Bridge to Higher Levels of Consciousness”. When the library of yourselves was torn from the shelves and scattered, and the DNA was split so that there were only two strands left with very little data and very little memory, sexuality was left […]


The Mind Is an Illusion

Spiritual Perspectives

  By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness Here, I’d like to look at what a few different spiritual teachers have said about the mind. As some of you probably know, the mind (along with everything else) is the product of the Divine Mother’s creation, which essentially means that like everything else we perceive with our […]


The Holy Grail Of Sacred Relationships

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Michelle Walling, CHLC Staff writer, Every relationship we have is sacred, as it provides a mirror by which we get to know ourselves better.  As we grow spiritually, these relationships can change with the changes in ourselves. The ultimate goal in sacred relationship is to love yourself enough to feel complete, and […]


The Greatest Illusion

Spiritual Perspectives

    Iam Saums Contributor,   “Spirituality and being spiritual mystifies us from being all who we are truly meant to be.” Soul Distinction: We are not spiritual. When we are attempting to be spiritual, we are not being spiritual. We may practice one or many styles of spirituality enough to consider or call […]


The De-Conditioning of the Ego

Spiritual Perspectives

  Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times What could a person possibly gain from insecurity? What could be the reward of feeling undeserving? Why would we harbor low self-esteem? Why do we think against ourselves? These states are not natural to our essence or inner being, so why… where did the urge to give away our […]



Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  BY ANNAMERKABA The purification phase of the determined ones has reached the pinnacle of truth benevolence and might. The purification phase of the chosen ones has been completed and a new set of universal decrees has indeed been bestowed upon the ones that have chosen to walk amongst the souls who wished to partake […]


The Magic of Synchronicity

Spiritual Perspectives

  Amy L. Lansky, PhD, Contributor Waking Times You know the feeling. You’re sitting in a café or standing in line at the supermarket, and suddenly you meet a complete stranger who, for some inexplicable reason, seems like an old friend. You are on the same “wavelength.” Your energies mesh, and afterward, you walk away […]


Peace of Mind by Vywumus

Spiritual Perspectives

  Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 12th June 2015- Sacred School of OmNa Peace of mind is an aspect of ascension which many strive to achieve wishing to bring stillness and quietness to their thought forms with a presence of peace emanating from their mental bodies. Peace of mind is a state of being which indicates […]


Crystalline Pineal Gland – The Gift of Sight

Spiritual Perspectives

  Magenta Pixie  * When the crystalline fluid is high, then the perceived sight holds higher clarity than that of the physical eye. Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie. Video created and edited by Ollie McGuire. Media c/o freeimages and Kevin Macleod.
