US Dollar: Ring-Fenced & Checkmate ~ Jim Willie

Economy, Zeitgeist

An unstoppable sequence of events has been put into motion finally. The pressure has been building for months. Some themes are plainly evident, except to those who wear rose colored glasses in the US Dome of Perception. The US Treasury Bond will be brought home to the US and British banks, where it will choke […]


Could the Banksters Grab Your Bank Deposits?

Economy, Zeitgeist

by Lawrence E. Rafferty The recent news about Cyprus banks confiscating depositor’s funds sent chills throughout the financial world here and abroad.  I couldn’t believe that the plan in Cyprus hinged on the idea that the bank could just steal customer’s funds to balance the bank’s books.  I muttered to myself when I read the […]


The Eye of Sauron Has Spotted Bitcoin

Economy, Zeitgeist

Jack Mullen Activist Post Yesterday the Wall Street Journal published an article entitled “Web Money Gets Laundering Rule,” an article framed in typical central bank newspeak warning of money laundering and growing “concerns” that new forms of cash bought on the Internet might be used to fund illicit activities. [1] This concern for possible laundering […]


Crises of Capitalism

Economy, Zeitgeist

  In this RSA Animate, celebrated academic David Harvey looks beyond capitalism towards a new social order. Can we find a more responsible, just, and humane economic system? This RSA Animate was taken from a lecture given as part of the RSA’s free public lecture programme. The RSA is a 258 year-old charity devoted to […]


Banking – The Greatest Scam On Earth

Economy, Zeitgeist

Uploaded on 11 September 2011 by BoKnowsEntertainment Banks are allowed to lend 10 times the amount of cash they have at hand so technically at 8% interest they are making 80% interest. its a complete scam! The Greatest Scam on Earth – The Money Scam! The Money Scam is hidden right out in the open, […]


Excellent speech on the corrupt banking system by 13 year old

Economy, Zeitgeist

She describes the corrupt banking system in Canada that is also operating all over the world. 12 year old girl gets it..WHY DON’T YOU??? – Truth in the Youth! Public Banking Institute related: Outcry Against Banking Practices with Michael Tellinger What If We Adopted A System Where The Banks Did Not Create Our Money?


Outcry Against Banking Practices with Michael Tellinger

Economy, Zeitgeist

Author, researcher and scientist, Michael Tellinger has just filed his 1,100 page notice of motion against Standard Bank in the Constitutional Court, accusing the bank of “unlawful and unconstitutional activity”. He also served the notice on the Reserve Bank and the Minister of Finance. Michael Tellinger joins ABN’s Samantha Loring in studio to give us […]


Currency Wars – Race to the Bottom

Economy, Zeitgeist

The alarmist media always seeks to sell papers or broadcast ratings, built on the unswerving fear that followed the financial meltdown, the banking establishment profits from the debt liquidation panic. The lack of stability in fiscal confidence certainly abounds, but the schemes to paper over the mountain of liability obligations, develop at even a more […]


Ron Paul ~ Trade War & Economic Collapse Coming

Economy, Zeitgeist

  Ron Paul was on Bloomberg’s Lunch Money discussing the developing currency wars. Paul states that the currency wars have been ongoing for decades, but they are now gearing up, but that government’s always compete to devalue their fiat currencies. Paul informs the Bloomberg host that the loss in purchasing power from currency devaluation in […]


All Wars are Bankers’ Wars

Economy, Recommended, Videos, Zeitgeist

I know many people have a great deal of difficulty comprehending just how many wars are started for no other purpose than to force private central banks onto nations, so let me share a few examples, so that you understand why the US Government is mired in so many wars against so many foreign nations. […]


10 Signs We Live in a False Economy

Economy, Zeitgeist

It’s time to admit that we live in a false economy. Smoke and mirrors are used to make us believe the economy is real, but it’s all an elaborate illusion. Out of one side of the establishment’s mouth we hear excitement about “green shoots”, and out of the other side comes breathless warnings of fiscal […]
