Barbara Marciniak – The Great Changeover of 2017-2027
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre with host Mark Snider discuss DARPA/CIA’s secret time travel preidentification of U.S. President elect Donald J. Trump in 1971 and his subsequent covert briefing and grooming by the Chronogarchy for the U.S. Presidency, as has occurred with other U.S. Presidents: George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and […]
by David Wilcock and Corey Goode December 11, 2016 ENDGAME II: The Antarctic Atlantis and Ancient ET Ruins Section Two: Pre-Adamite Ruins All Pages The Establishment is threatened like never before. Are they about to disclose advanced, hi-tech ruins under the ice in Antarctica, and a limited secret space program, to try to save the […]
The avatars and masters have now permeated the gridwork of the world, bringing with them their own tools for teaching. The tools that are being utilized on this planet are artifacts that are not of your dimension, symbolic forms that literally have a life of their own. They make up what is known as […]
Today, we are speaking with an old friend, the Pleiadians. While we who speak from the League of Light are as well Pleiadian, we are nearly all from the world of the stellar neighborhood of Taygeta, called Temmer. We will be in contact in this message with Pleiadians of the star Acyone, from a […]
About five thousand five hundred years ago our cosmic memory (blueprint core of creation) was erased by the Reptilian species. Thankfully that memory, frequency and energy is starting to come back now and they cannot stop it. These Reptilian beings believe they have every right to be here. They feel they have every right […]
I have kept this kind of information quiet because there is a chance it could be simulated realities, computer systems, projections and illusions. Yet, time and space is an illusion through the way it is really projected with each point being the “center” of its own universe through the consciousness viewing it. I have […]
by Gregg Prescott, M.S. Editor, In this video, Bashar talks about galactic and planetary changes beginning in the Fall of 2016. The video was created in 2014 and talks about the time we’re in right now as being a time of high manifestation and high frequency. Bashar emphasized the importance of living the […]
DEAR HUMANITY! We are here, as you know, to support your ascension process. Meaning to support your endeavors to rise your frequency which is equivalent to raising your consciousness. One without the other is not possible, both belong to one single phenomenon: the evolution of your planetary situation, that is you, the species on your […]
Mike Quinsey The dark Ones and their cohorts are proposing to put into action one last major attempt to regain lost ground, by faking an extraterrestrial attack upon you. It would be very realistic and you would perceive Spacecraft and Beings that looked exactly like those you are familiar with. Some craft would only be […]
The changes are progressing well and as they take hold so the power of the dark Forces is diminishing, so much so that they are becoming confused and unable to control events as before. In any event they are only allowed a certain degree of freedom to carry on with their plan for world […]
by GEORGI STANKOV “We are the Elohim and we greet you now on a platform of peace, a platform of calming energy. There are expansive waves of light coming to you in a steady stream and they are of cosmic origin and of divine ordinance. The light of which we speak is the unseen light, […]
Few people are aware that for a very long time there has been a war in Space between forces of the Illuminati and Space Beings. The Illuminati have made it possible because they have re-directed trillions of dollars into their secret Space Program. The battles have taken place to stop the Earth being completely […]
by Therese Zumi Sumner All of the information in this recap is easily found on Cobra’s updates and interviews, however, as there seems to be no end to the confusion surrounding the information pertaining to the shift of the global financial system about to happen ‘at any moment’ and The Event, I have decided […]
Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo. The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame […]
By Open Contributing writer for Wake Up World Contrary to popular belief, no, Homo Sapiens did not descend naturally from the Apes. Anyone who doubts this fact might like to explore how the human chromosome count mysteriously contracted from 48 to 46 and then propagated throughout the entire human species, when such a ‘mutation’ […]