Aug Tellez ~ Genetic Engineering Disclosure: “Emerald Covenant”, DNA Unlocking/Activating, Removal of Plasma Implants, Stargate Activation Cycles

Galactics, Spiritual Perspectives / Sunday, November 27th, 2016



I have kept this kind of information quiet because there is a chance it could be simulated realities, computer systems, projections and illusions. Yet, time and space is an illusion through the way it is really projected with each point being the “center” of its own universe through the consciousness viewing it.

I have been to other civilizations in history, most of the people I have found on here and have been directly involved with have been. Some of us were present in what are referred to as “Biblical Times”. Nothing, nothing is what it seems. There was more advanced technology hidden, yet used in plain sight back then, than there is viewed openly now. It was just thought of as the “gods” then.

I really don’t know what to make of it, but here it all is and yes they are cloning people for part of these processes. The mind control is real, as well, the deprogramming and healing tech is real, each tech use goes beyond and both ways. It can be used to destroy or heal. Then the actuality of time and existence, consciousness is spread out through time, people lived in an advanced spiritual way for periods of time, “in time” beyond what we can comprehend on Earth. It wasn’t just different, it was literally in realms and “time fields” that we cannot comprehend fully using just a brain. Then we were presented with various beings of different races each from various levels of this time matrix. Some wanted to heal the timeline, some wanted to keep the control matrix going. There was some kind of resistance. I kept most of this quiet until now as this time we are in was viewed and is one of the most important times as far as convergence of ultimate realities.

I do not know how this will be received. I try to keep it minimal and concise, but the stargates are supposed to be activating, the genetic engineering program was “commandeered” by either benevolent humans or humans with other races of beings and is being utilized to “uplift” the elite bloodlines and heal the broken timelines and consciousness of humanity.

The Emerald Covenant, The Bio-Regenesis Treaty of Palaidor

I was informed of what was called “The Emerald Covenant”. And something called the “Bio-Regenesis Treaty of Palaidor”. It has to do with unlocking DNA and healing the etheric body of humanity through multiple planes and times.

What is coming is going to be difficult, shocking, yet activating for those who know how to transmute fear and balance and increase their conscious frequency. Some operatives DNA were in use since Biblical time and this was part sabotage and part of a process to use this DNA to entangle with certain ruling bloodlines in order to heal their DNA/soul-history. This may just be what they told me in order to have an excuse to kidnap and genetically engineer people but it is what I was informed of.

The operatives involved have entanglement with various times throughout history. Elite bloodlines along with other influences, possibly from immaterial planes of existence, developed a plan to resolve the situation on Earth through certain individuals who’s DNA is used to combine with these bloodlines to uplift them and heal their distortions in time.


There are implants on what was called the “plasma” body level which is basically interactive energy drains that are a form of frequency code or technology which starts in the mind and field/aura and gets picked up and brought into the brain, biology, and DNA.

These codes must be worked out and repaired so that the DNA regains functionality and original human functionality is what appears to be transdimensional in nature and allows for a soul and consciousness to actively operate through various levels of time and frequency.

Advanced Previous Civilization, Original Humanity, The 9 Veils Terra, Tara, and Gaia

It was described the the original humans contained these capabilities and these civilizations gained access to eternal time beyond Earth or Terra, to Gaia, and then Tara. There are more layers above that. These are passed down through genetic memory as ‘frequency dreams’ that are unlocked or activated as a person’s mind or awareness is activated on a soul-level. Fear and psychological blocks or manipulation can reroute the energy required to do this. Part of what this whole process of “The Unveiling” is about is removing these implants or psychological blocks and activating the energy fields of the human until their soul is fully present in the body and united with the consciousness of the physical level brain. The brain is the physical consciousness, the soul is the immaterial mind in this explanation.

There are also physical implants but I assume these will be handled individually.

These distortions in the functionality of the DNA of the original human are considered “veils” and they are present within this dimension. So at some point in our history, we were a higher or transdimensional civilization who held access to the higher realms of time and consciousness. By finding ourselves condensed here in what we call Earth, we literally devolved as a civilization and this is a just a format of our consciousness changing from expanse to very limited.

The way this was explained is that this limitation was literally the formation of the physical plane for this civilization and this civilizations existence within time. We created time loops by dropping down and thus requiring we move back up. These time loops were exploited by a system that creates a perpetual motion without release, literally converting Earth into a perpetual motion energy system for soul-level energy which could be processed by dark factions advanced technology.

They developed societies running off of this energy and they literally live in the broken bandwidth wavelengths of the distorted human mind. This is how the distortion makes its way into bridging the divide between the material and the immaterial.

Time contains all possible explanations. That is also part of why this is so difficult to explain.Every possible reality has already happened. In regards to this, this dark faction has utilized this knowledge to engage in and manipulate each successive reality layer of time from their starting point in the 40’s-60’s.

Genetically Repairing the Timeline Through DNA and Consciousness

Many human souls were pulled, through the time program, into this timeline as part of a convergence to either destroy it or heal it. They pulled them from various timelines in ways so that each individual timeline pulled from would not entirely collapse, yet all of the operatives here would repair the timeline stitching it together literally with the presence of their minds containing the memories and comprehension of the possibilities which bridge the two worlds.

I’ll stop here, all of this information was shown to me by the breakaway civilization. It could be disinfo, for instance, if there is no way to “uplift” these broken timelines of the bloodline elite and it is just a way to gather more souls for the device before it kicks out.

Or this could be the time they finally reached an ultimatum and a resolve and that this is facilitated by consciousness and societies that exist on the other side of “the singularity” of the physical plane into the higher realms. In other words these helper races would have access to the quantum.

This, technically, is not far fetched. The technology that the dark faction uses, that we were briefed on, is called “quantum teleportation”. Apparently they can go anywhere, to any location, using a virtual world system that can transport the individual to an address where they can carry out shadow operations. This is what is and has been abused this entire time. If this dark faction of humans can obtain or develop this technology, then it is not far fetched that if there are other races that truly exist, then they would easily have access to this technology.

Other Races or Advanced Humans

If all the races that we were involved with are truly who they say they are, then there are beings who have no need for physical or temporally restricted bodies and can simply choose where, when, and how they want to be, regardless of the restrictions of the physical universe.

I’m going to keep this short so as to try and get this message out.
We were informed there is a big shift coming with this period of the year we are in now. That these months would contain changes that would shock, horrify, and awaken the whole world.

There were also explanations that time could ‘stop’ and that if this happens it would be every person for themselves (with various crews in place to monitor and assist, so not truly alone) and for their ability to disconnect from the distortions and limitations of ego consciousness and quickly accelerate the rate of conscious acceleration to the point of achieving actualization of the ‘Exponential logarithmic increase’ relative to a “Timelike Curve” where all variables of consciousness will increase off the charts.

The “Unveiling” of the Soul

One supporting member stated that this would equally be like 1000x a psychedelic, near-death, or spiritual experience all at once, across all in the population who are able to comprehend this. So you can see why this is also referred to as “The Apocalypse” and is the same thing those previous civilizations were referencing. It is the “unveiling” where the unconscious mind and the conscious mind pass through each other and the singularity is crossed over while time stops and them essentially turns inside out and we are seen to be able to create reality on the physical plane consciously.

This is not for everyone at once, there are many who would instantly destroy themselves and this is one of the results of this. It was also said that “everyone on Earth” would be gathered up into this shift for the first time in ‘galactic’ history as a result of these powerful advanced technology devices being used to assist and accelerate this rate of increase, informational, and energy transfer.

I was also informed of great ancient devices that are within Earth and have the capacity to “transform” time as we know it. These have been around for a long time and they may have something to do with the very time cycles that each civilization on Earth experienced along with an acceleration and eventual ‘clearing of the board’, so to speak.

Window Of Opportunity For Resolve

Each civilization is given the opportunity to ‘ascend’ from lower primal consciousness which is temporary into higher spiritual wisdom which is eternally growing. When that opportunity window is closed, the frequencies on Earth can no longer sustain consciousness in the same format. As a result these completion cycles, all life changes.

They also mentioned that these devices were not the only cause and that they were not just “torturing” Earth’s civilization and putting everyone through an apocalyptic event by bending their minds through time. They stated that Earth naturally goes through these cycles and everything in this field made out of frequencies does this. They stated that the sun is closer to ‘cold-fusion’, that it is a portal and that this portal periodically opens and releases an amount of energy that facilitates this process.

Earth Changes

Whether or not this is true, I noticed since these events hit a certain turning point around 2009 to 2012 that the sun itself seems brighter, hotter and more white than yellow. They also stated they have technology to ‘resolve’ these kinds of timeloops and that this technology can basically destroy a star by beaming an energy and frequency which ‘dissolves’ it from the inside out. They said they already used this on one star.
There was also information that what we call “planets” and how the cosmos works is not how it is taught in schools. That planets can become “stars”.

We have reports of tribes that claim to have stories regarding the moon as a new addition to the sky and that there was a time before all of this existed.

Timeline Alterations

The NAZI’s claimed that they won WW2 but the world went to shit and they destroyed that timeline. They claimed they contacted the Pentagon in this timeline, before this occurred and so from our perspective it never happened, from theirs, they reverted the timeline back from that destruction into one where there is a plan to slowly release this information coming to a convergence point now.

The slow, 100-years release plan is most likely not what it seems. Full-Disclosure for everyone on Earth would be irresponsible as far as each operation, each form of technology, yet disclosing the crimes against Earth, Gaia, and Humanity would be more relevant to waking people up without shocking them insane.

I’ll keep this as short as I can right there so more people read it as I know I write some long-winded posts. All this was revealed to me by the ancient elite bloodlines, the secret societies, the breakaway civilization and what were presented as beings of other races and worlds but I will not confirm until I know for sure I would not be handing people over to unknown hands.

I can tell you this, at least some have technology and conscious capacity that goes beyond human nature, whether these are artificial intelligence systems designed to “impress people” with fantastic displays of awareness and power or not is to be determined through the process of discernment.

As an addition to that part, the technology and conscious capacity of a human being who has been awakened and knows how to use the advanced technology/assisted spiritual awareness technology will easily have the power of mind and knowledge that the majority of the population would say is reserved for either aliens or gods.

Emotional Maturity Before and Power

This is also part of the issue as humanity must first mature emotionally before advanced technology is reached. Similarly, they must learn to overcome fear before seeing the most frightening aspects of this. This is why it is our duty to assist in this process by both shocking people away, safely, with information, and supporting others in their waking up process and coming to terms with the mind control system and how it is so deeply rooted that when people think they are getting freedom, they get the opposite. When people think they are getting one thing, they don’t get another, they get the exact polar opposite of what that should represent to a natural living being with common sense. This is how deeply rooted the bread and circus is, it’s literally in the minds of people.

Updating everyone on all of this, expanding, healing, getting comfortable with the way the body really works as a conscious projection of an eternal soul-level awareness will accelerate this process and make the whole situation safer, for the most part.

What were referred to as the “Halls of Amenti” were also involved with this and are apparently a DNA-container/soul-level container in a higher frequency dimension and this is where the majority of “Mu”, Atlantis or ancient Earth civilization’s genetic memory and spiritual wisdom was held in protective containment.

We were also informed that this is about the natural stargates that exist on Earth and how they are activating again for this cycle and as such it’s like quantum cosmic pathways leak out everywhere and all the realms become inter-entangled, openly so, for a period.

I was informed some keylontic, metatronic sciences are corrupted and modified to entrap the apprentices soul level energy and limit their consciousness from moving on.

There was also information regarding financial transition as well as plans to stop or divert that. Mass arrests, whether they would just be cosmetic so as to give the poeple the chance to wake up the rest of the way on their own as well as a public acknowledgement and disclosure of all that I had said here, without endangering the entire process or the harmony of life here that would propel people’s psyche’s into a new state of awareness. I have discussed these topics in other posts and will more fully explain them and connect them to the seemingly interdimensional or “spiritual” information above.

This all extends from the notion that these dark factions have artificially accessed these higher frequency planes and manipulated human consciousness from there, thus generating these timeloops, set backs, distortions, and more.

Where this started is the previous universal cycle over, or what was described as “6” cycles previous. So this has possibly happened 6 times resulting in a complete temporal reset on this civilization’s time-period and the 7th is the completion cycle where whatever happens happens forever.



Genetic Engineering Disclosure: “Emerald Covenant”, DNA Unlocking/Activating, Removal of Plasma Implants, Stargate Activation Cycles

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