Returning to Gaia – An Inter-Galactic Message -12-9-13

Ascension, Galactics

THE INTER-GALACTIC GROUP MIND SPEAKS: Dear Mytrian, it is true that we shall guide you back into Gaia’s core to recalibrate the Cornerstone Crystals within that NOW. However, first we need to give you some more information about our multidimensional inter-galactic group mind and about the timeline you are entering. Before you entered the timeline […]


Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: Higher Dimensional Technologies Part I: Pleiadian Healing Technologies


12-28-13 Greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and the Pleiadian Council. We wish to speak to you of the Pleiadian Technologies, and high technologies of the other star nations in your universe, that we will be bringing to your societies after our Grand Reunion. These technologies are an incredibly advanced alternative to […]


People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do


A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same …way. […]


One Vibration


Everything exists by vibrating in response to a specific tone; like how from silence there can only be noise. Each vibration gives off a unique frequency which affects all unique bodies differently. These vibrational frequencies are interpreted by the senses which give associative attributes, like color, texture, shape, movement, energy, polarity etc. to all oscillating […]


What is the Noosphere?


The Noozoic Shift Entrance into the Noozoic [more] [share] in likened unto the man who, out of his house, brought forth treasures both new and old. 1. Predicament or Problem. In the Noozoic, the interest is less on problems and more on process. Less on predicament and more on potential. So, in the Noozoic, the […]


The Grand Illusion


I beheld a boundless view: all was changed into Light, a mild and joyous Light; and I marveled when I saw it. And in a little while, there came to be in one part a downward-tending darkness, terrible and grim, and methought it like unto a snake. And thereafter I saw the darkness changing into […]


Sananda – You Are In the Midst of a Culmination of Such Immense Individual Unfoldment – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – Received December 7, 2013


Greetings all you beautiful, assorted ministers of Love. I greet you today with much anticipation and acknowledgement of the beautiful metamorphosis you are instrumental in creating for yourselves, your communities, all of humanity and beautiful Gaia. For you are so instrumental in fostering this Love Awakening for all to benefit from. It is indeed my […]


The Sirians: Out of the Heart of Darkness


14 December 2013 Channeler: Tazjima The Sirians: Out of the Heart of Darkness Out of the Womb of Creation comes the beginning of a new race, a composite race, the new HuMan. From many races came the seeds for your beginnings, nurtured deep in the breast of the Mother, you have remained in potential until […]


Morphogenetic Field Implosion ~ Children Of The Sun


Related Article: Encoding Waveform Audio Support: Encoding Evolutionary Waveform Beloved Family, We recently released an introduction about the evolutionary waveforms that are now entering through our physical sun and recoding all forms of life on our planet. Inherent in these frequencies are overriding wave fronts of color, light and sound that are morphing the fabric […]


MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIANS ~~ Choosing Conscious Creation


Something Is Happening Our Ones, We are the Arcturians, many of you are having the “feeling” that something is about to happen. We want to share with you all that that “something” is already happening. You see, what you are feeling via your fifth dimensional language is happening in the NOW. The NOW is always […]


Hilarion’s Weekly Message ~ December 15-22, 2013 ~~ As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields …


Marlene Swetlishoff  The Rainbow Scribe As the solstice approaches and comes into effect, humanity is lifted higher and higher in their energetic fields and each is being gifted with the presence of the Angelic realms more pervasively than ever before. This is enabling each individual to receive the grace of the Angelic realms which assist […]
