What is the Noosphere?

Ascension / Thursday, December 26th, 2013

The Noozoic Shift

Entrance into the Noozoic [more] [share] in likened unto the man who, out of his house, brought forth treasures both new and old.

1. Predicament or Problem. In the Noozoic, the interest is less on problems and more on process. Less on predicament and more on potential. So, in the Noozoic, the “problem” is ignorance itself, not particular bad stuff. Who speaks Noozoic? We do! Not about TUCAS, more about PIRC.

2. Premise. The premise of the Noozoic (it’s “functionality hypothesis”) derives from E=mcC and the axes shift. The premise is that, when “shifted” individuals exist and work and extend their identity, E=mc. And when this is facilitated among loving humans in a wave manner by GIFTS, then the energy (E = mcC ) is available to counteract the 1/5000 competitive disadvantage we have to survive.

3. Promise. The “promised land” that the Noozoic Shift will deliver is what has been called “paradise on Earth” – or the Kingdom of God in biblical terms, where a stable Global Community exists to ensure that humanity is successful, and where this “entity” is continuously adaptive, in right relationship, with proper identity, creating a culture that works for the benefit of all life.

4. People. The people of the Noozoic are a small minority who seek “how and now”. They see the urgency and are open. They, individually and collectively, have made their consciousness the independent variable. They have an urgent sense for the danger… maybe their children or grandchildren.

5. Process. The “how will this work”, action steps, actions and outcomes, feedback loops and the process of proof are NOT fully known and will need to emerge. The underlying principle(s) of the Noozoic can be stated (such as “All is One”). The unfolding process cannot. It is a Mystery.

6. Product. The “what” of the Noozoic is not a thing but a spirit, a culture, a consciousness, a will, an intention, a devotion to relationship, a sanity, and a planet where love is the prevailing human function. The “product” is never packaged, finished or fully done. It is, by its nature, always unfinished. There is always more.

7. Perception. The fundamental perceptual shift of the Noozoic is that All is One. From this, a set of secondary perceptual insights is derived, such as the Universe being a planet farm, where those planets which “make it” need to cross a threshold, and that this assympote has certain conditions, such as PAIR. One critical perception is a perspective on life and our place in it, which comes from the new cosmology, our journey and story.

8. Places. Where is our Jeruselem? How and where shall we promote the Noozoic Shift? This remains to be seen, but currently we shall use the Internet, our Website, www.noozoic.com, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. A breakthrough would be our own custom mobile App, via VC funding.

9. Promotion. The media and method are our challenges. We need better collaborative systems, more MONEY, better interaction facilitation, professional help. Our media, method and monetization are weak. We need some tagginess such as “Nooz it or Lose it”. We need a logo, and PR materials. We need a magazine (“AMONG”?) and a “Noozpaper.”

10. Proposition. We are proposing that people think, talk and act in the best interest of all life, thereby reprogramming the Noosphere. This behavior needs to be continuous, real, conscious, and out of love for a “Power Greater.” The individual who engages with the Principles of the Noozoic will need some genuine willingness to “lose their life” and some courage too!

11. Perpetual. The Noozoic is not a thing, which happens and then is done. It is an everlasting, ongoing, forever emergence. It is like photosynthesis and gravity and light… always there. It is like breathing, an addition to the animal, which came out of the water to breath on land. Never suspended, not optional. Always necessary for life. Permanent. Like the Universe itself. Eternal.

12. Proof. The word proof, like a proof sheet in photography, means to bring into focus, to make real. In the Cenozoic, this would be facts and figures. Data and numbers. In the Noozoic, “proof” is like the good Samaritan, where it is asked, “Which one of these proved neighbor unto the person in need?” Proving neighbor is a function of OUR identity, relationship and culture. We prove neighbor. We trust the Russians. We collapse the probability wave. We are now first cause. How we SEE is the key. Worldview is fundamental. All is One is the foundation. Love is the function. Life is the process. Survival is the only outcome we could “define.” What this does mean or will mean is NOT definable. To move forward, collectively, we shall need to be aware to NOT try to put new wine in old wineskins. And to not accept the old as good.

One difficulty now is getting gross movement out of certain death into uncertain mystery. From our habituated past, we resurrect a suicidal future. Without a real Noozoic shift, we’re gonners! And the party train is racing down the tracks, and the titanium wall is real, and it is just around the corner, and the sooner we make the adjustments, the easier and better the outcome will be. But even the word “adjustments” misses the enormousness and the greatness of this opportunity.

Education is cheaper than prevention, which is cheaper than correction. Fortunately, the Cosmos is fully designed for our new emergence. We have GIFTS. The time is right. The danger/opportunity pressure is right. We can fulfill the Noozoic with less uncertainty than we think. The whole Universe is standing by, awaiting our return. Listening for a signal that we are awake. Wanting the best for us. Always there.

We need to seek, ask and knock. We need to put our hands to the plow and not look back. We need to enjoy the incredible unfolding as it’s own reward. We are designed for this shift. We can do it! We must do it!

Failure is not an option…



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