Ley Lines- The “KEY” to Unlocking the Matrix

Ancient Science

  by Magdaline Yet again we come across another mysterious force of nature known as the electro magnetic fields of the earth, Shuman Resonance or better known as ley lines. The rediscovery of ley lines in this century is unveiling (apocalypse; greek for unveiling) the secrets of Nature. Ley lines are the luminous strands that many […]


How were Nazca Images Created?

Ancient Science

  Could the famous images and lines, more than 2000 years old, found on the wide/open Plain of Nazca have been created from the air? Countless researchers have considered this (obvious) idea since there is no highpoint to direct production of the ancient depictions in this barren area. From the ground, Nazca lines make no […]


We are composed of over 50 trillion cells …

Ancient Science

We are composed of over 50 trillion cells, and although they are existing in a micro reality, they are still an integral aspect of who we are. Actually, each cell of our human body is no different than the person that we are, that is, each tiny cell is governed by respiration and excrementing, they […]


The MAYA, Not So Mysterious

Ancient Science

  by TS Caladan Where did the mysterious culture known as the Mayas originate from and where did they go? What happened to this advanced civilization along the way? The answers are obvious and have been all around us. But we do not have the proper vision to see clearly because of our previous education […]


New Knowledge About Static Electricity ~ Miroslav Provod

Ancient Science

Movements of static charge between materials takes place spontaneously, in all cases, the charges equalize or the material with the greater charge gives charge to the less charged material. This sometimes occurs as an immediate discharge and sometimes it’s very slow, but in all cases this goes on until the settlement of the value of their […]


The Great Pyramid Mystery

Ancient Science

  by Eric Dubay Today there are hundreds of pyramids still standing all over the world from India to Peru. Cultures separated by the Atlantic, who supposedly never discovered each other’s existence, built these giant triangular structures, aligned them to cardinal directions, encoded within them sacred geometry/math, and used them as a sepulture. “As Keel says […]


The Avatars of the Gods

Ancient Science

  by Wes Penre Edited by Professor Bob Stannard from WesPenre Website I. The Soul and the Subtle Body In the Vedas, the soul is called the ?tm?, or jïv?tm?. [1] It says that every living being is inhabited by a soul, and the soul is endowed with the faculty of consciousness. The body consists […]
