Bruce Lipton, Ph. D.: The Power of the Mind

New Science

By BRUCE H. LIPTON, Ph.D. | New Dawn — Living in the world under your skin is a bustling metropolis of 50 trillion cells, each of which is biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. Current popular opinion holds that the fate and behaviour of our internal cellular citizens are preprogrammed in their genes. Since […]


New York To Host Fungus Tower

New Science

[vimeo] A new architectural structure is coming to New York City, and the bricks are going to grow themselves. The new tower, called Hy-Fi, will actually be an art installation designed by architect David Benjamin, who is principal of The Living. His approach will be to construct the tall, lattice-like installation from self-assembling bricks (video). He’ll […]




As consciousness continues to rise, humanity is being drawn together like never before. We’re starting to understand our interconnected nature and the fact that we’re meant to run this planet together in the name of harmony and progress, and even though the number of people who’ve tapped into this truth is small right now, it’s poised […]




Cosmic Consciousness is an ultra high state of illumination in the human Mind that is beyond that of “self-awareness,” and “ego-awareness.”  In the attainment of Cosmic Consciousness, the human Mind has entered a state of Knowledge instead of mere beliefs, a state of “I know,” instead of “I believe.” This state of Mind is beyond that […]


Earthly Heaven ~ Wes Annac


The world around us holds a great deal of beauty and amazement. We only need to open our eyes and look around to notice the miracles that are everywhere, and when we do, we’ll understand that heaven has always been here. Heaven exists right here, right now, waiting to be realized again. With all of […]


The mysterious DNA

Ancient Science

  The DNA double helix as the template of all life forms has been around in science for some odd fifty years now since their discovery by Crick and Watson. Our knowledge about DNA since then has dramatically increased. DNA stores the chemical molecular instructions for cellular reproduction. It is a blueprint for the reproduction […]


Heart, Light Mind, and Body in Creative Intention ~~ Peter Borys, Jr.


  The multidimensional consciousness of humanity is intentional.   We have the ability to create, manifest, and emanate intention through our Divine infinite consciousness.  It is within our heart consciousness that the experience and expression of creative intention occurs through our incarnate physical body as a receiver/transducer/transmitter of frequencies of information. Thus, a heart-centered unity consciousness […]


Morphic Resonance and Cellular Bioluminescence ~ Rupert Sheldrake

New Science

Biologist Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphic Resonance theory strongly suggests that cellular bioluminescence (which in humans ranges from ultraviolet to infrared) is both personal and transpersonal. In other words, not only is the individual human “networked” with DNA light emitters and receptors; it appears our entire species is morphogenetically networked much like individual cells that form a […]
