The mysterious DNA

Ancient Science / Tuesday, February 4th, 2014


The DNA double helix as the template of all life forms has been around in science for some odd fifty years now since their discovery by Crick and Watson. Our knowledge about DNA since then has dramatically increased. DNA stores the chemical molecular instructions for cellular reproduction. It is a blueprint for the reproduction of all the proteins that are found in the cells of an organism. The human body contains some estimated amount of 70.000 to 90.000 different proteins.

The DNA helix is a twisted double string. Each string is made of an estimated 3.1 billion nucleotides. The nucleotides are all linked together to form this immense chain. There are only four different base nucleotides used in the chain. These bases are denoted by their initial character adenine (A), cytonsine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T).

Three of these bases in a chain form a triplet or codon. There are only 4³ = 64 different types of codons in the DNA chain. Each triplet or codon is the genetic equivalent for one amino acid, the building block of a protein. One protein consists of some hundred amino acids, so it takes the same number of codons to code one protein. The sequence of codons that encodes a single protein is called a gene.

Nucleotides form base pair bridges between the two DNA strings. One of the nucleotides of a base pair is in one of the DNA strings, the other in the opposite DNA string. In this way the base pairs form a bridge, a chemical bond between the two DNA strings tying them together in a twisting staircase like double helix.

Of the complete chain of triplets in a complete DNA string only 5% is used for the coding and reproduction of proteins. The other 95% is called junk or dormant DNA; it seems to be a senseless repetition of triplets that western science simply doesn’t know what to do with it. For a very long time scientists believed that the 95% non-coding part of the DNA is completely redundant. There is now strong evidence that the non-encoding DNA is not useless after all but in fact may be more important than the encoding codons. Revolutionary new discoveries revealed that the idea that the inherited genetic make up of an organism cannot be changed is wrong. It has been proven that the sequence of the DNA molecule’s codons can be reprogrammed!

Human Genome project

The most profound study ever performed on the 5% encoding triplets of the human DNA string was conducted in an international joint effort called the International Human Genome Project. The task of the Human Genome Project was to identify the complete structure of the human DNA and map its triplets and genes. Since the human body contains at least 70.000 different proteins, it was expected to find at least some 100.0000 genes in the human DNA, 70.000 to explain for the physical reproduction of the human body (protein encoding genes) and some 30.000 different genes to explain for the differences in personality and character. When the first draft version of the human genome was finished in 2001 and the final version in 2004, the high hopes and expectations of biologist in the world were shattered to pieces when only 30.000 genes were found in the human DNA. Thirty thousand genes in the human genome is only three hundred more that it takes to build a mouse. The Human Genome Project also revealed that we share 98 percent of our genes with chimpanzees!

All our assumptions about DNA as being the sacred book of life containing all the text to write each chapter in biology now have to be re-evaluated. The DNA differences between a human being and the primate that we evolved from are simply to small to explain for the differences in appearance let alone the immense difference in conscious awareness and intelligent abilities. On the DNA level we have more in common with dolphins than with apes.

Junk DNA

While western science invested in the International Human Genome Project focusing on the 5% of the encoding triplets of DNA, in the Soviet Union in 1990 a group of Russian scientist of the Russian Academy of Sciences was formed to study the complete human genome. This research was lead by Dr. Pjotr Garjajev, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences as well as the Academy of Sciences in New York. The Russian research was taking a wide angle and held an open view in their studies. The research team included bio physicists, molecular biologist, embryologist and even linguistic experts. Their research revealed that the supposed junk DNA that has been completely neglected and forgotten by western mainstream science, was no redundant leftover of evolution at all. Linguistic studies revealed that the sequencing of the codons of the non-coding DNA follow the rules of some basic syntax. There is a definite structure and logic in the sequence of these triplets, like some biological language. Studies further revealed that the codons actually form words and sentences just like our ordinary human language follows grammar rules.

Scientists have conducted many studies on the origins of human languages and the origins of the grammatical rules that are so essential to all human languages, however they have always failed to find the source. But now for the first time in history the origins of language may be surprisingly attributed to DNA. The language of the genes is much and much older than any human language that was ever uttered on this globe. It even seems more like it that the DNA grammar was taken as the blue print for human speech.

Whereas the western Human Genome Project deciphered the ‘machine language’ code of the DNA molecule, the structure of the DNA ‘bits’ formed by the sequence of nucleotides, Russian scholars discovered the high level language present in DNA. Another amazing fact that Garjajev’s group discovered was that the DNA is by no means a closed book of life. He discovered that the text of the DNA book could be altered. The codons of the DNA string can be rearranged in different sequences. In other words the software of the human genome our DNA molecule can be reprogrammed! Studies revealed that the junk DNA seemed to be jumping DNA. Triplets of the DNA string were able to exchange places.

Since the DNA was found to have a syntax and semantics akin to our human languages, it was proven that our currently restricted perception that DNA only served for the coding of the reproduction of the proteins for the chemical make up of an organism is only half of the story.

When DNA in vitro test tubes were exposed to coherent laser light, the laser light spiralled along the DNA helix as if it was guided by the structure of the DNA molecule. The most amazing effect was noticed when the DNA itself was removed and the laser light kept spiralling! The vacuum of the space that was just before occupied by the DNA had changed and something caused the laser light to keep spiralling. These effects have been measured and remained for lengthy times. The effect is now becoming well known as the DNA phantom effect. Vladimir Poponin and his team of Russian Academy of Sciences repeated the work of Garjajev at the Hearthmath institute in the U.S.A. Poponin concluded again that a field structure was formed in the physical vacuum even when the original DNA was removed. We’ve seen similar examples of vacuum changes before that could be attributed to torsion fields.

DNA programming

The most astonishing experiments that were performed by Garjajev’s group are the reprogramming of the DNA codon sequences using modulated laser light. From their discovered grammatical syntax of the DNA language they were able to modulate coherent laser light and even radio waves and add semantics (meaning) to the carrier wave. In this way they were able to reprogram DNA in vivo (in living organisms) by using the correct resonant frequencies of DNA. The most profound discovery made sofar is that human linguistic words can be modulated to the carrier wave with the same reprogramming effect. Now this is a baffling and stunning scientific discovery! Our own DNA can simply be reprogrammed by human speech, supposing that the words are modulated on the correct carrier frequencies!

Whereas western science uses complicated bio chemical processes to cut and paste DNA triplets in the DNA molecule, Russian scientist use modulated laser light to do exactly the same thing. The Russians have proven to be very successful in repairing damaged DNA material in vivo!

Laser light therapies based on Gajajev’s findings are already applied in some European academic hospitals with success on various sorts of skin cancer. The cancer is cured without any remaining scars.


Daniel Winter and his heart coherence team have found proof that human emotions can reprogram DNA as well. The sonic beatings of the heart in rhythm with our feelings, our emotions are transformed into electromagnetic energy in the body’s glands that act like piezoelectric couplers creating smaller electromagnetic counterpart wavelengths of the emotional sounds of the heart. The emotion becomes energy in motion, e-motion, sending it right down to the DNA of every cell of our body as blue coherent laser light that is able to modulate the DNA codons just like the lasers of the Russians did.

On close examination from the top view of the DNA it has a dodecahedron shape. There are ten Phi spirals required to create the dodecahedral helical shape of the DNA spiral. The DNA molecule as a wave shape is attuned to the heart and able to receive its sonic emotions. Daniel Winter explains the implosion of long waves into short waves as the mechanism that conveys the emotions of the heart to our DNA. The scale (wavelength) is different but the ratio of the wavelengths is the same maintaining the Golden Mean ratio. Not only emotions feed our DNA with blue ultraviolet light, also cellular metabolism the consumption of food is all about creating short wave blue light that feeds our DNA. Plants receive this light directly from the Sun using chlorophyll in their leaves and use a process called photosynthesis to bind the photons of the Sun. Animals consuming these plants get these bio photons indirectly from plants, the accumulation however has become less effective. This coherent light of the Sun is stored as bio photons in the organism. The purpose of the metabolisms in both plants and animals is to create highly coherent ultraviolet laser light inside our DNA that drives cell replication.

Many studies have revealed that there is a clear relation between our mental and emotional state and our health. People who suffer from depressions and negative emotions for longer periods in the long run will harm their health as well. Isn’t it that the one who talks the most about diseases is the one who eventually gets it? Fear is a very negative emotion that does not benefit health. Scientific studies have proven that no matter how well babies are fed, when they lack the caressing and loving touch of their mothers they eventually die! The loving hugs of the mother are sent right down to the DNA of the baby!

Daniel Winter makes it abundantly clear that our emotions program our DNA and shape the immune system of our cells, creating strong health. Negative emotions destroy the coherence of the immune system while positive emotions enhances it. According to Winter the healthiest thing to do is to have as much bliss and ecstasy as possible in our lives since it is the healthiest emotion that in the long run gives us longevity.

Bio wave computer

The wave processing and modulating properties of DNA have revealed a total new purpose for the DNA molecule. For a long time we have believed that the only purpose for DNA was that it serves as the carrier of genetic information for the reproduction of life. This now seems to be only half of the equation.

Gajajev and others in a paper titled the ‘DNA wave Biocomputer’ postulates that DNA is no less than an intelligent biological computer, it‘s an intelligent apparatus that is able to store and retrieve biological information from all the cells of the body, connecting the chromosomes of all cells into a holistic continuum, a kind of biological internet inside the body. The DNA chromosomes acquire unlimited information from the metabolisms that occur in each and every cell and in turn produce regulative electromagnetic signals as a feedback. All of the billions of cells that make up our body are in instantaneous communication with each other. In quantum mechanical terms, they are non-locally connected. This allows for coordination of the countless complex biochemical events that take place inside our body to be regulated in a coherent way. Information exchange in the body by means of the nervous system and the intercellular biochemical molecular diffusions are processes that are way to slow to explain the instantaneous response our body is able to give to external stimuli, nor can it account for the stunning coherence with which all of our bodily functions act in unison.

Other proof that our body is a single super coherent operating bio system comes from Cleve Backster. He has been able to proof that cells isolated from the human body still maintain in communication with our body even if they are transported far away from the body. He used two lie detectors, one was connected to a volunteer, the other to cell samples that were taken from his mouth and stationed twelve kilometres away from this person. He was able to proof that changes in the emotional state of the person being tested were reflected in both lie detectors simultaneous, the one attached to the person’s body and the one to the isolated sample of cells. The only explanation for this experiment is that all our bodily cells are connected non-locally no matter how far they are apart and that this connection remains even when cells are isolated from the body.

According to Gajajev, the genomic information of the organisms is also stored non-locally, this means that it is not restricted to the DNA molecules itself. The DNA molecule merely acts as a storage device that is able to read and write the genomic information from a non-local distributed field. DNA acts like a fractal environment that stores the coherent blue laser light in a holographic way. This genomic hologram can be read using either electromagnetic or acoustic fields.

Now here’s a quote from the paper:

DNA acts as a kind of aerial open to the reception of not only the internal influences and changes within the organism but to those outside it as well. Indeed we regard this as one of our primary findings, which in view of quantum nonlocality of organisms extends not only to the organism’s local environment, but also beyond it to the extent of the entire universe.

Remember from chapter 3 ‘Science and consciousness’, paragraph ‘morphic fields’ that biologist Rupert Sheldrake had already proposed the morphic field. Morphic genetic fields encode genetic information that is shared by all members of a species. The DNA bio wave computer model proposed by Gajajev and his group shed a whole new light not only on where and how the genetic information is actually stored but also where it initially came from. If genetic information is actually stored in morphic fields in the fabric of space and time, we may also start to re-evaluate Darwin’s evolution theory.

Intelligent Design

Darwinism has received a lot of criticism in the last decade since although Darwinism has been around since 1859, it is still unable to answer many questions related to the evolution of the species. For one thing Darwinism is unable to explain is the explosion of sudden new life forms that appeared some 530 million years ago on this planet. The abundant new higher life forms that came into existence with a higher level of biological complexity than previous life forms, required all sorts of new proteins and corresponding genes in a relatively very short time span. The explosion can hardly be explained by a spontaneous increase in the number of natural mutation of genes. It is also hard to imagine how a complete new species develops from its predecessor, since it requires an abundant amount of coherent spontaneous mutations taking place all at the same time to create all the new features of a new specie. It is also hard to conceive that nature was able to create such biological complex systems such as the eye by simply dicing a bit with the codons of the DNA molecule. All biological systems such as the organs, the immune system and the senses are far to complex to have come into existence by mere chance alone. The problem with these complex biological systems is that they did not gradually developed over many of ‘prototypes’, since these prototypes are missing in the fossil records all together.

Many new biological functions such as eyesight were spontaneous creative inventions in the evolutionary process. When more and more fossils were found in the quest to find the missing links in the fossil records, paradoxically more and more evidence was being collected that evolution took place in quantum leaps of species such as from invertebrates to vertebrates.

The development of new species requires the involvement of many new biological functions coherently at same time. For new species such as birds to emerge it is not enough to just develop feathers, it also requires lightweight bone and muscle structures. If a mutant only developed feathers, these mutants would not render a biological advantage and natural selection would eventually eliminate the new life form. We humans supposedly stem from the apes, but evolutionists were never able to really proof these assumptions.

Mathematician Fred Hoyle came up with a beautiful and credible analogy to proof that evolution can hardly be considered a lucky roulette game. He used the analogy of the three dimensional puzzle called the Rubik cube. Each face of the Rubik cube is constructed from a matrix of 9 smaller cubes per face. Each of the three layers in the face of the Rubik cube can be pivoted around both a vertical and a horizontal axis. When the puzzle is solved, all the Rubik cube’s faces will have the same colour.

Suppose we give a Rubik cube to a blind man and ask him to solve the puzzle. Hoyle calculated that the blind man requires an expected 5 x 10¹8 turns to solve the puzzle. Suppose he makes one turn per second then it will take him 5 x 10¹8 seconds = 126 billion years to complete the puzzle by chance. This is longer than the age of our universe! Now suppose we help the blind man by advising him on a yes or no for each turn he is attempting, then the puzzle can be solved in only 120 turns requiring 2 minutes to solve the puzzle.

To solve the Rubik cube we only need to align 9 * 6 = 54 smaller cubes, however to solve the puzzle of life, it requires 3.1 billion nucleotides to be perfectly aligned in the DNA strings!

Now do we still believe that evolution was the work of a blind man?

Cambridge University Professor of evolutionary biology Simon Conway Morris believes that there must be a divine cause for our evolution. His unorthodox view of a divine cause is not very popular among his colleagues. Although he does not believe that man is the splendid accident of evolution, he makes it crystal clear that he doesn’t adhere the vision of creationist whose only truth it is that God created the world in seven days. He brings up some new and very interesting arguments. According to Morris evolution has come up with the same solution to problems many times. For instance the camera like solution of the eye has been ‘invented’ at least 6 times by completely different species that did not pass this solution on by means of exchanging genes. Simon Conway Morris shows that there are abundant examples in nature of identical convergences of biological functions, identical solutions that emerged completely independently within different species. He says that environmental factors such as oxygen, water sunlight and gravity probably narrow the possible solutions down to only a few restricted solutions. So if there is convergence in the development of biological functions, it means these convergences were no coincidence.

Another difficult question for Darwinists to explain is the sudden leap in intelligence and consciousness that occurred to the Neanderthals some 35.000 years ago. From hunting, cave living Neanderthals they made this enormous cultural and intelligent progress. By tool making, farming and animal keeping, mankind for the first time in evolution made life a lot more comfortable since chasing animals in the wild was no longer the only option.

One of the most important pillars of Darwinism is that gene mutations take place irrespective of external changes in the environment. The reason why the adapted species survives the changes in the environment is because they are ‘coincidentally’ better equipped to survive. Natural selection takes care that these better-equipped mutants will survive; this selection process is called the survival of the fittest.

Dr. Bruce Lipton however disagrees with this axiom of Darwinism completely and says that cells themselves have the ability to perfectly rewrite their own DNA when the external environment demands it. Harvard geneticist John Kearns delivered proof for Dr Lipton’s hypothesis in 1988. He placed bacteria that could not digest milk sugar (lactose) in an environment that only contained lactose, so it was their only possible source for food. Instead of dying off these bacteria were able to reprogram their DNA such that they were able to survive and feed on the lactose. So here’s another source claiming that DNA reprogramming is possible!

The last thing in Darwin’s theory that may become extinct is most likely Darwinism itself, the scientific criticism is growing and alternative evolution theories are emerging. The most radical opponents to Darwinism are the creationist who simply believe in the literal text of Genesis in the Bible and fiercely debate that it was God who created Adam and Eve and all other life on Earth some eight thousands years ago. Of course this simplistic rather fundamentalist blind belief in the Bible cannot be taken serious as the fossil records contract it altogether.

In 1995 however a new more serious evolution theory emerged the ‘Íntelligent Design’ theory. The founder of the Intelligent Design theory is Michael Behe who launched his evolution theory in a publication titled ‘Darwin’s Black Box’. The Intelligent Design theory states that life on Earth is the result of an intelligent design in stead off by an unguided process of trial and error. The Intelligent Design theory adherers unlike the creationists acknowledge that life on Earth developed in both stages of gradual progress of small adaptive changes followed by spurts of evolutional leaps that can only be explained as the result of and intelligent design.

Quantum physicist Amit Goswami is his book ‘The visionary window’ believes that the quantum leaps in the development of species may be explained by quantum science. A number of quantum scientists have created the foundation for what they call quantum evolution.

The basic idea of quantum evolution is that genes mutations take place in the quantum state and not in the classical state of Newtonian physics. Quantum super positions of gene mutations do not manifest immediately in the phenotype of the organisms but accumulate in the gene pool of the species over millions of years. Goswami mentions that morphic genetic fields could be the storage space for these quantum mutations that take place within the species.

Quantum mutations allow for an endless number of possible gene combinations taking place at the same time. Only changes in the genome of a new life form that makes biologically more sense eventually collapse from the quantum state to the classical state. He mentions that consciousness must be involved to trigger the collapse of the quantum state before the new specie emerges.

Quantum evolution could explain why transitional life forms were never found in the fossil records, since the transitional life forms only virtually existed in the quantum realm and came into existence in quantum leaps. After new species have come into existence, nature uses the natural selection process to select those genes that are available in the gene pool of the new specie that best fits the environment. However these adaptive changes of the specie to new environmental situations have always been available in the collective gene pool. So quantum evolution embraces Darwinism in the sense that it believes that the natural selection mechanism is a pressure that allows for species to adapt in the metastasis period in between quantum leaps of new species.

Unlike Darwinism believing that there is no purpose in evolution, Goswami’s theory states that there is a discernable direction in evolution from simple to more complex life forms. He believes that the consciousness choice for the collapse of the quantum potential of genes to create new species is in accord with a greater plan.

A fundamental question indeed is why did life on Earth develop from primitive single unconscious cellular life to complex human beings that eventually became self-aware? What could be the purpose of self-awareness if evolution is only about Darwin’s survival strategies of selfish genes?

The new discoveries outlined in this book of an intelligent all pervasive cosmic energy that is omnipresent in the universe and that also serves as a recording medium for information such that it can act as the storage device for morphic genetic fields of DNA preserving the genetic information of species, seems to contradict Darwinism and lends credit for the Intelligent Design and quantum evolution theories.

Also the physics of chaos theory seems to support the Intelligent Design theory of Michael Behe. The fractal attractors of chaos theory raise the philosophical question if there is purpose in the universe. Are we pulled towards a final goal? Is evolution a pulling process towards a finite end point somewhere in the future or are random mutations by chance in Darwinism still pushing us? Chaos theory seems to favor the first option.


DNA’s purpose is not to serve solely as a chemical memory device for the reproduction of proteins. Russion research has revealed that we underestimated the intelligence of DNA as it acts like a Bio computer and is able to store and process biological information of the metabolisms that place in our body as well as genetic information. Most astonishing the codon sequences of DNA can be reprogrammed by coherent frequency sources such as modulated laser light, radio waves and human emotions. We have just started to discover the gateway functions of DNA to information fields, the bridge to what Rupert Sheldrake called the morphic genetic fields of life. Morphic genetic fields may be the true driving force behind biological evolution as opposed to the random mutations of the genes by chance and the natural selection process that was proposed by Darwin.

These new discoveries show how little we still actually know about DNA.
Not withstanding the fact that we apparently still have a very limited knowledge of DNA in the West that is accepted by mainstream science, we nevertheless took the liberty to start playing around and modify the genome of crops and organisms as we please. These enterprises could be very hazardous to the biosphere and the very survival of life on Earth since restructuring of the DNA molecule destroys the wave characteristics of the DNA that took nature millions of years to perfect.

As long as we don’t speak the language of DNA, we should seize to rewrite the book of life, I think we’re lead astray and are on a dangerous road.


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