Your Holographic Vehicle of Light ~ Awakening to What You Are

Spiritual Perspectives / Saturday, September 10th, 2016



Let me be very clear here. Your body is where it is all happening as far as cellular consciousness, DNA consciousness, your Frequency. It is within you and your DNA where literal changes take place in consciousness. It is not outside of you.

I have mentioned this before and will mention again here. My students, years back, so many desired enlightenment, intuition, awareness beyond this world, They would ask me how do I get this, attain this. I would notice and still do everywhere you I go as I observe people. They are not present. They are not even here in the moment.

I would say as I do now, where are you? First arrive here!

You are somewhere in the realm of your shopping lists. Your sadness. Your relationships. Yesterday. Tomorrow.


That arriving here is not just thoughts of being here.

It is BEING in your BODY. Yes, HERE NOW.

Is through your BODY.

What is your body?

Your body is not what you THINK it is.

Let me make something very CLEAR.

Your Body is a holographic vehicle of Light that your CONSCIOUSNESS functions THROUGH. Your Soul functions through.

Since it is your vehicle THROUGH which all of your Consciousness transforms THROUGH.

Enter your BODY.

Be Present in your body.


Love your body.

Love your VEHICLE!!

Be thankful for it. The vehicle of your Soul. Of your Consciousness.

Feel, Breathe and live INSIDE your body. Although that may sound funny. Many do not live there. In the present moment. Consciously that is.

To live consciously within your body, is to be in the present moment.

The Present moment is not outside there happening somewhere else.

Again, YOUR consciousness functions THROUGH your body.

When you are conscious within your body you are in the present moment. Did you receive that? Fully?

Breathe, relax, feel your body. From within.

Your Heartbeat. Your breath, yes that is it. It is so simple. The place to begin, to arrive.

Soon all the tension in your body will dissolve into the Light of Your Soul. I am transmitting this to you now.

Do you feel it? You feel it through your Body.

I see and know your Light, your Holographic Vehicle, and I transmit this to your to your Light. Your energy field. Your body.

Feel, receive, breathe and relax.

Soon everyone on Earth will be present. It will appear archaic to live anyway other than being present. For many this is still new.

It is the KEY as it is through your VEHICLE your DNA (your body of light) that you experience a shift and transformation of your consciousness.

Each cell has its own consciousness.

Through your Heart you access your eternal connection to your Soul. Again through your body. Please remember, your body is not what you “think” it is.

It is a holographic vehicle of inter dimensional experience and communication. That we are all meeting through. Through these timeless holographic vehicles. Yes, I say timelines. Soon no more ridding of the form. As all will acknowledge what the form truly is. The Holographic Light You (your Soul, Your Immortal body of Light) is eternal.

Soon all will live this way and be fully present and aware.

For now the transition.

It all starts, with here NOW. Love your body for what it “truly” is. Love your Holographic experiences in light.

Love the eternal you. Soon the eternal Body of Light, becomes what everyone knows as, the eternal experience of consciousness as Light.

The vehicle of Light through which you ARE.

You being present in your body, is you experiencing YOUR PRESENCE.

How your consciousness experiences itself through experiences.

Dear Souls, breathe this in.

Feel your body.

Feel being present.

Feel your presence in your vehicle of light.

This vehicle is NOT separate from you.

You are AWAKENING to what you ARE.

How does it feel while receiving this?

All of my transmissions, activations, invocations, initiations as well as my hourly Ascended Being Activation, ignite your DNA, your Memories. The YOU that awaits your arrival, consciously. In this I hold you eternally, Divine Angels. In eternal Love.


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.


Your Holographic Vehicle of Light ~ Awakening to What you Are

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