You are in a crucial time period – Sananda – 9-16 -15

Ascension / Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Milky Way mind alignment


I come to you today because we are in a crucial time. The waves that are entering earth are getting stronger. These waves will peak around the 23rd of September and will remain high until the 29th of September. It is a very critical time, one that will demand that you are in your heart space. Many of you are experiencing tests that are taking you out of your heart space, the space of knowing and oneness with your highest aspect and frequency. These are occurring so that you can feel the difference and to see what in you remains unresolved. That which is unresolved keeps you from residing fully in your heart space.. It is also so that you practice bringing yourself back into resonance with your true self. The more you are in this space, the less you will find that you leave it. The energy coming into earth will be best utilized by those who are able to remain in their heart space, the place of oneness or Christ Consciousness. There are many names for this vital connection, but the feeling is the same for each one. It is in this space that you are able to love all, see the beauty in the unfolding, and most importantly allow and trust that all is happening perfectly.

As the energy waves are increasing, more and more fear will be produced as this is the natural reaction when one does not understand what is taking place. Even those completely unaware are able to energetically sense a shift around them. Yet, even those who lack understanding will have a choice, they can go into fear and look for events and exchanges to validate their feelings or they will simply go on with their day keeping a positive outlook. One should not underestimate the power of  a positive outlook as this implies trust in the universe and a deeply understood knowing. You who are aware have the responsibility to turn away from all that brings fear and disharmony to your system.  For this moment, this is very important as that which causes you fear, sorrow, or judgement will take you from your heart space. This does not mean that you ignore or pretend that suffering does not exist. Instead it is an opportunity for you to send unconditional love to all that are hurting. This can be done while acknowledging that others have their path and purpose and you have yours and each is exactly what the soul needs for growth.

One needs to look at their expectations for the wave of energy that is building on your planet. How you feel about the wave will help to determine it’s affects in your life. If one looks to the wave with joy and excitement, grateful for the assistance it gives, then they will find that this wave indeed propels them on their journey. If one holds fear and feels that disastrous change will follow this wave, such as earth changes, political unrest, and even the ending of civilization, then the wave will pass and they will remain largely unchanged as the fear has keep them from opening to the full potential.  This wave is an excellent opportunity to set your intention to move beyond the thoughts, behaviors and old programming that has limited your ability to move forward. Each of you will receive assistance releasing all that is ready to be released if the lesson has been completed. For those who feel trapped in a pattern, now is a good time to ask to be shown what this pattern is meant to teach you. Only by truly understanding the lesson can one move beyond it. Not all are aware of the patterns that influence their lives heavily, now is the time to ask to be shown what needs changing in your life, what is hindering you from embodying all of your highest aspect.  Many of you are experiencing a resurgence of deep fears so that you may move beyond them and not take them into the new. Others are being shown where they have held judgments and grievances towards others and are being given the opportunity to no longer continue the programming and beliefs that created the division. In each moment you are creating your hologram and can choose to bring with you into the new the things that help and the things that hinder your growth. Awareness of this is the key.

This wave will help all those that are ready to be helped and for those that are still exploring the lower realms of density they will receive the promptings sent by their soul encouraging them to open and awake. We are very excited by this progress and the sheer number of you that have breached or will breach the 5th dimensional barrier in the coming weeks. Most of you will continue onward through the dimensions, clearing more density, embodying more of your soul source. Each of you that does this work is affecting the collective with your increased vibration. Like ripples in the pond, each of you is making your mark on all around you. Your higher vibrational presence will help to awaken and change those around you who are ready to change. Your contribution at this time is important and we ask you to remain present, aware and in your heart space.

With great love for each of you,



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