…”Within a Divine Moment of Truth, the Universe reveals the hidden patterns of our unconscious, unfolding before us a full confrontation with our shadow and spirit. These same patterns become very clear and can be seen in our everyday living, for a professor is not a professor unless they are teaching, a doctor is not a doctor unless they are healing, same thing goes for our spirit, just like with a flower or anything that grows out of nothing, its all about the expression of our passion, as that brings rise to higher states of consciousness. Imagine any deity, goddess or god that may cross the path of our life, imagine how much energy and expression is required by them to be who they ARE! The world needs now more than ever expressed voices from the fearless-hearted, and just like with alchemy, its about boiling down words to power memes, expressed moments of divine clarity, for even the unconscious that runs the masses is not exempt from the process of awakening! What would we be able to accomplish if we awakened to our true potential? Why is it that we cannot remain awake and seem too always slip back into the unconscious ocean? They say we waste a lot of energy by thinking of the past or dreaming of the future, for a true master is rooted within the present moment, ready for anything which unfolds before them. Looking beyond today keeps our eye off this moment, rooting ourselves back into the present moment, is the path that has been spoken by many wise teachers of the past. But awakening or enlightenment does not necessarily bring rise to bliss and happiness, as a lot of shadow work has to be done from the very beginning, the releasing of unresolved conflicts, as that is what keeps most from tapping into their own heartscape and spirit. Best to start on step one, and that is KNOW thyself through the process of self reflection, for we all know that we do things that we later regret in our life, the question is do we learn from our mistakes and grow from these experience? Do we repeat our conditioned programmed reactions or do we break the cycle and reclaim our mind and spirit…? Look closer at your inner patterns without judgment, look closer to the process and less on the details, it’s easy to point out the unconscious in others, but it takes a truly empowered spirit to see that flow within our own nature! The more we self reflect, more layers will be revealed, but do not worry if things do not make sense fully right now, for the mystery only deepens the further we go, as the path of the pathless seems like an endless journey. IT is not absolute, and its not about reaching a end point of infinite knowledge, its about being able to focus the expression of our wisdom and passion, as that is the true power required to BE a god or a goddess!” ~Alistar Valadez…