What are Gnostic Theolalites?

Spiritual Perspectives / Wednesday, July 20th, 2016


by Tau Tia

A Gnostic is one that seeks Gnosis (Knowledge). A Gnostic doesn’t need labels because true independence is being Gnostic. Originally, Gnostics simply called themselves, “Knowledge seekers” as Gnosis means Knowledge, the idea being, if Truth is ONE, then all Knowledge Seekers who GENUINELY seek the truth, should eventually end up at the same view, but by their own paths.

Theolalite is just a word to describe someone with Gnosis, who has full connection to their own Higher Self. Theola=Divine, Lite=Light. They carry the Divine spark within them, ignited by their compassion and the truth.

Despite what people say about Gnostics they are pre-Christian and it isn’t a religion, it is a way of life – that of seeking knowledge and wisdom, which leads to spiritual enlightenment or illumination. When you are enlightened, you can see the big picture, you can see the connection in all things and you realise that all spiritual paths lead to the same place. So some people don’t call themselves a ‘Gnostic’ until after they have reached enlightenment.

There were Gnostics about before the age of Pisces (the fisher King & Queen – Christianity), before the age of Aries (the ram – Jewish religion), before the age of Taurus (Holy bull or cow worship – Minoan, Hindu, Egypt), before the age of Gemini (Twins – Sumer twins Enki and Enlil). They are the holders of the secrets from the underground stream.

Because we are now entering the age of Aquarius, the age of enlightenment, many more hidden (occult) truths are being revealed to the general population than ever before. Aquarius is represented by a man or woman with a pitcher, pouring out water on to the world from the heavens. That water represents enlightenment.

For every age something new is worshipped by the general population. Religions are built up around these things because humans generally have always needed to be guided to live life happily, because we know about death. Animals don’t know they are going to die, so they don’t worry about it. But because humans became conscious of this, as the neo-cortex expanded, it led to them spending their whole life worrying about it. To make people get on with their life in peace they were told stories and myths, things that would reassure them that if they led a good and noble life, they would go to somewhere wonderful when they left this place. Or that if they behaved like animals, they would be reincarnated as an animal. This worked on many levels. It kept people happy, it kept them from fearing death and it made them be good people through fear that if they did bad things they would be punished for it in the afterlife, or come back as a slug or something.

At the end of every astrological age there is the time of upheaval and upset. Many are starting to reject the old ways that they have always been taught, and are looking for something new. This is when the new age comes in and the old deity is symbolically killed, so the new deity can take over. This is why Moses told the people to slaughter the golden calf, as bull and cow worship was to end, and the new age of Aries was to be brought in. At the end of each age of course, there will always be those who try to cling on to the past and are scared to move forward. This is why all the old religions are still about for us all to see, those religions are stuck in the old ages and the people never learnt how to evolve from those old teachings and move on.

The same will happen at the end of this age. Those still following Christianity will refuse to let go of the old ways and move forwards towards Aquarius and the new ways of enlightenment. In the new age those who accept it will be able to see all of this above as truth, they will realise that all the religions were created for each age, and they will accept responsibility for themselves and their own actions, without the need of an authority figure or deity to tell them what to do. They will become a Priest or Priestess themselves, they will connect to their own Higher Self in the new coming age. They will gladly seek out Gnosis and Sophia (wisdom) and will enjoy learning and helping others.

In the past all through ancient times, only a selected few were given this Gnosis and these teachings. Everyone else was expected to follow the teachings of that age, and never become enlightened themselves. Sometimes this was because they didn’t have the Will or intelligence to know any different, or because the Mystery School was taken over by people who wanted to use Gnosis to control others and gain power for themselves. For having a little of this knowledge can lead to problems… For instance, if someone was to join a Mystery School, learn a few things, then decide they don’t want to learn anymore, all they want to do is take what they do know and control others with it. Then they go along and create a cult, give people a bit of knowledge, but because they haven’t connected to their own Higher Self. All they do is create more confused people in the world, and more power hungry control freaks, who will twist the truth to get what they want. The Roman Catholic Church are a good example of this. They have a lot of the knowledge about all these things, but they choose to use it against people, instead of using it to help people. They have not connected to their own Higher Self, so they can’t help anyone else. They choose instead to demonise anything that could enlighten people.

Excerpt from full article:


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