URGENT: Wilcock’s YouTube Channel “Permanently Disabled” Due to Fake Copyright Strikes From One Individual

Alternative News / Sunday, January 1st, 2017

By David Wilcock

David Wilcock’s only official YouTube channel has been “permanently disabled” after four fake copyright strikes by a single individual, going by the name “Alec Theodore Wallace.”

Ever since December 21st, we have been writing multiple, detailed letters, to everyone we knew “on the inside” at YouTube, with our Internet attorney in the To: field, and got nothing.

Now an anonymous individual has managed to destroy David’s entire YouTube presence. His stolen videos are still online and he is earning felony Grand Theft-level profits from them.

This is punishable by up to three years in prison if he gets caught, particularly with his other crimes factored in — as we will discuss. Wild stuff.

What could possibly have allowed this to happen? There is a much greater cosmic story going on here when we consider the content of the deleted videos themselves, so read on.

If this could happen to David, it could happen to anyone else in this field as well. And there are signs that it already is. We need to hang together or we will hang separately.

Get the intriguing facts of this case — and find out how you can help us regain David’s identity. Please don’t attack YouTube’s staff about this — we need their help.


At the time of this writing, you can go ahead and click on any of these following links and see the same message.

My four top videos were all killed off by a single person — the Honorable Sir Alec Theodore Wallace:


David Wilcock | Corey Goode: Endgame II– The Antarctic Atlantis ET Ruins/ Cabal Rescue Plan
David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil
David Wilcock: The Synchronicity Key | Pt. 1 of the Full Video!
David Wilcock: Intro to The Synchronicity Key, Ver. 1 (ORIGINAL)

Say what? These were four of our most popular videos. Together they had more than two million views. Three out of four helped launch my published books.

The last two videos announced my book The Ascension Mysteries — well before it came out in August 2013. That’s right. Over three and a half years ago.

Ascension Mysteries and Endgame II were my YouTube comeback videos for 2016 after a long absence, as I finally picked up the author’s pen once more.

These videos were the beginning of a whole new push that was intended to ramp up big-time in 2017. Both were doing phenomenally well.

Ascension had over 350,000 views and Endgame II was pushing 150,000. That’s half a million altogether — amazing numbers in today’s competitive market.

My channel had been online since August 2010 without a single copyright strike — because I make my own videos with my own content.


Thankfully, Gaia is privately-owned, and all 300+ episodes I have on there are secure. This includes my recent appearance on our new show, Buzzsaw with Sean Stone.

Everything I talk about in that episode is directly relevant to what is going on right now. You can see everything for 99 cents in the first month with no penalty fees.

As explained in Endgame II, we have already been put on the “Fake News” kill list, so your help is needed now more than ever. Thanks!


So who the hell is Alec Theodore Wallace?

Let’s just make this loud and clear: I am not a robot. My site is divinecosmos.com. My only official YouTube channel is/was youtube.com/davidwilcock333.

I make my own videos sometimes. I get up in front of a camera and ad-lib my way through Keynote slides. Most of my videos are in front of my audiences.

Copyright is automatically generated when a creator releases content into the public domain. Here it is from attorney Sara Hawkins: 

Copyright attaches as soon as the original work is created, and applies to both published and unpublished works.

As soon as you type words, click the shutter on your camera (or, for many of you, hit the home button on your iPhone), apply paint to canvas or paper or lay down tracks for your next hit, you’ve got a copyright….

I hold the copyright for all of these videos.

Let me say it in plain English:

The thing is, is that, this should be obvious… since it’s, like, my face, my voice, my information and stuff, ya know. Duh!


Every video we have ever made is now dead. Nor can we post any more of them. Our team has a mega-update to the deleted Endgame II video that is now dead in the water until this clears up.

I also just bought a teleprompter so I can read the new articles I write and make videos out of them. That ain’t gonna happen until we get through this.

The last 45 minutes of the original Endgame II video did not have changing visuals, but the final version now awaiting release in our hard drives absolutely does.

The /davidwilcock333 channel no longer exists, even though it was my only official YouTube outlet.

Unless we start committing fraud like Sir Wallace, I am not legally allowed to create new channels either. Those are the rules YouTube put in place.

I represent a whole team of people working in alliance. In one utterly ridiculous series of events, we have been vanquished by a faceless attacker.

Well played, sir, well played.

Up until this ridiculous and lethal strike happened, I had never heard of this person. We started to get inundated with your questions immediately.

All of my videos were either made by myself or with one or two trusted associates who I have immediate access to. My copyright attaches to the videos automatically.

The YouTube system held me guilty as charged, and gave me no recourse when this mysterious individual stole and then destroyed my identity.

Every letter I wrote in was greeted with a robotic response. Then when I finally did get a human being, he disappeared after promising an investigation.

Another robo-letter then said they “spoke to the team” and the case was closed. We lose. He wins. Period.

The real guy did say the holidays were going to delay the team’s investigation, but this has already been going on for over a week. The next business day isn’t until January 2nd.

Alec Theodore Wallace. Dude.

Who the heck uses a full three-part name these days anyway?


Here is what you will see on the first of these four YouTube links.

This video used to be a one-hour-and-52-minute narration of our previous article, ENDGAME II. 

I narrated it. Corey Goode’s video guy added the images. There was no “Pizzagate” content in it, so it can’t be from the alleged ban on that topic either.

How does a random, anonymous individual come to think he can own my voice, my writing, my narration and my content — jointly produced with Corey Goode and his team?

The other three links to my book-promoting videos also say the copyright claims were made by “Alec Theodore Wallace,” as you can see for yourself.

Who’s name is on the cover of those books? How many books has Alec Theodore Wallace written? Has anyone ever even seen him?


I’m reaching a bit now, but come on. Something is going on. This just doesn’t smell right.

Let’s try to find out who this guy is — and how he came to believe that he owns my voice, face and creative work.

Nothing whatsoever comes up in a Google search for this name except for pissed-off people, myself included, wondering who the hell this guy is.

President Theodore Roosevelt was often referred to as “Teddy”, and had a popular children’s toy named after him.

Therefore, our insider code-name for this fine fellow is the Teddy Bear.

You are now on a need-to-know basis. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.

Teddy just opened up a can of whoop-ass….

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Source: David Wilcock — Divine Cosmos

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