There are many challenges within your third dimensional reality. An
important reason for these many changes is that Gaia, the beloved planet
on which the humans live, is going through many transitions.
planets, including your dear Gaia of Earth, are alive beings that have
times when they are calm and stable and times when they are going
through transitions. It is within your NOW, that Gaia is going through
many changes, which are largely do to the humans who live upon Her
planetary body.
Many humans think of dear Gaia, the alive being known as “Mother
Earth,” is currently preparing, and also is now, going through many
changes. It is within the NOW in which Gaia is changing that humanity
changes, as well.
You see, dear human ones, Gaia is a living being in the same
manner as you humans are living beings. However, far too many humans,
especially certain humans in higher places, have forgotten that they
took a human incarnation within this now to assist Gaia with Her
Just as humans have times when they feel stable within the human
body that they are wearing, Gaia has times when She feels stable within
the planetary body that She is wearing.
If Gaia is in a stable NOW, the humans often feel that stability.
Of course, many, if not most of the humans, are not aware that they are
sensing Gaia’s stability, but they are often aware of their own
Some humans, if not most humans, are grateful for this
sense of stability, but only think of it as their “personal sense of
stability,” and do not realize that that they are feeling stable because
Gaia, a living being on which they live, is also feeling stable.
On the other hand, there are also humans who are aware that they,
the humans who have chosen to take an earth vessel on Gaia during this
time of transition, are aware that they are sensing the changing energy
fields of the planet Gaia, on which they live.
Some humans feel strong enough in their higher/inner perceptions
that they will share their information with others. But, most humans are
afraid that others will mock them for thinking of dear Gaia as a living
being, rather than a big, circular rock.
The humans who are not aware that Gaia is a living being in the
same manner that they, the humans, are living beings. Therefore, those
who do NOT perceive Gaia as a living being have no problem with harming
Gaia’s land, dumping their human waste, which is huge, into the ocean,
the earth, and to allow the tainted energies to move into Gaia’s sky and
We, the Arcturians, as well as all of your fifth dimensional
Galactic Family, have made the huge sacrifice of taking a third
dimensional earth vessel. To many humans on Earth, taking an incarnation
on third dimensional Gaia does not seem like a “huge sacrifice.”
The reason that many, if not most, humans do think of choosing to
take an incarnation on third dimensional Gaia is because they cannot
remember their lives on the fourth, fifth and beyond dimensions, as well
as on their Homeworld or Starship.
In fact, most humans do NOT remember their own higher dimensional
life. The reason for this forgetfulness is that it would make it too
difficult for many of them to remember their higher dimensional
Therefore, they FORGET that frequency of their own
Multidimensional SELF, and only remember their third dimensional
childhood and forward. However, more and more humans are beginning to
remember that there just may be something, somewhere and someone that
feels VERY familiar.
However, there are only a few humans who are born with, or even
find their adult human selves, in a situation in which they begin to
dream about, remember, or even wish for, a different reality. This
“different reality” is different from the daily strife and challenges of
their third dimensional, physical reality.
Some, in fact more and more, humans are beginning to awakening a
component of their third dimensional, physical SELF who remembers. At
first this “remembering” seems like a dream that they must have had,
but have almost completely forgotten.
In fact, it may seem that all that is left of this “dream,” is a
vague memory of some place or some thing, or maybe even some one, who is
kinder, more loving, deeply centered and fully awakening.
“That can’t be any part of me!” they think, trying not to be conceited.
what does conceited mean? The human thesaurus says it means: conceited,
proud, smug, arrogant or even superior. Humans, who are actually
Galactics who have chosen to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia in Her
time of great need, must remember that “being conceited” is a bad thing
on the third dimension.
It is very difficult for those who remember that they are NOT
JUST humans, but also feel a higher frequency of their own SELF that
resonates to a higher frequency of realty, must not tell anyone else who
they really are, or they would be “conceited.”
Worse yet, if one were to reveal the inner fact that they have
“remembered” about their higher dimensional origin, they would
be considered to be “crazy.” It was not the humans who started that
rumor. Nor was it the Galactics that started that rumor.
It was those who wanted to have power OVER others that need to
diminish that who are awakening to their true, Multidimensional SELF.
Therefore, we, the members of your Galactic Family, have come into your
NOW to remind you that YOU ARE CORRECT!
YES, YOU are Galactic Beings whose Home Worlds are in the fourth,
fifth and beyond higher frequency of reality. You, yes YOU, have
volunteered to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that you could
assist Gaia, a seemingly third dimensional planetary being, to ascend
into a fifth dimensional planet.
It is important for you to remember that those of you who are
able to connect with your own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, have
chosen to take a third dimensional earth vessel so that you could
understand and assist the other humans who also believe that they are only third dimensional.
What most humans do NOT understand is that Gaia—Earth—is NOT just a
third dimensional planet. Gaia, Earth, is also a multidimensional
being, just like all of her inhabitants that have taken
third dimensional forms on Gaia so that they can assist Gaia to return
to Her true fifth dimensional and beyond Planetary SELF.
The problem is that humanity cannot believe what they do not
understand. And, since many humans do not understand the concept of
being a Multidimensional Being, they cannot understand the concept of
To a being who only believes that they are ONLY the third
dimensional body that they are wearing, the concept of their being a
Multidimensional Being seems impossible. However, these humans are
thinking and perceiving ONLY from their third dimensional perceptions
and third dimensional belief systems.
To be able to have multidimensional perception of your reality,
one must be able to believe in and understand the concept of
“multidimensional.” Therefore, we, your Galactic Family,
who remember and embrace our innate Multidimensional SELF, wish to
assist you, to remember that YOU too are a multidimensional being.
once you had a few third dimensional incarnations on the third
dimensional frequency of Gaia, you totally forgot your true
Multidimensional SELF. You FORGOT your Starship that took you to Earth
in order to assist Her with Her Planetary Ascension. AND, you forgot
your own Multidimensional SELF who piloted and/or rode in a fifth
dimensional Starship.
Worse yet, spending so much “time” on third dimensional Earth,
you forgot that time does not exist in the same manner in the fifth
dimension and beyond. In the fifth dimension and beyond, time is only
NOW. Therefore, you do not look forward to the future or regret your
past, as there is only the NOW of what is often called on Earth as “no
Therefore, many brave warriors who took a third dimensional
vessel in order to assist third dimensional Gaia, have forgotten their
innate sense of “no time.” Therefore, they have forgotten that “time”
creates a sense of “separation.”
It is for this reason that many of our brave warriors for the
LIGHT who chose to take an Earth vessel, got lost in the “time” of the
third dimension. Therefore, they forgot that they never needed to wait
for anything to occur because there is no “waiting” within the fifth
dimensional NOW.
In their innate fifth dimensional reality of the higher
dimensional worlds, they instantly created their reality with their
thoughts and emotions. The “thoughts” created the framework for whatever
they were creating, and the “emotions” filled in the framework with the
When all creation was formed while in a fifth dimensional
reality, there was not “time” to wait for that creation to be decided
on, studied, slowly created and/or finally completed. Instead, the
thought became a “thought-form,” which was then filled with
“unconditional love,” which is the innate creative force of the fifth
dimension and beyond.
Once the format of the “thought form” was
filled with the creative powers of “unconditional love,” the creation
was completed. However, the more “individual beings” who joined into
“ONE unified being” the stronger, larger and more powerful was the
We, the Arcturians, realize that it is difficult for our brave beings who volunteered to take an earth vessel to protect, and actually to rescue, our dear Planetary Friend, Gaia, to remember they too—in
Gaia wants all of her beloved human friends, many of them who are Galactic Friends, to accept the Multidimensional Light and Unconditional Love that we send to you with our every thought.
Blessings Your Galactic Family We miss you and hope that soon YOU too will remember
Posted by Suzanne Lie