In order to merge back into Union of Zero Point and transfigure into the new Hologram entirely, the Collective Consciousness must accrete and raise to a harmonious vibration rate. Understanding that the DNA coding each person holds is the program creating the Holographic Reality Field.
The secret is that the people of this System are co-creating the entire Hologram-Planetary Body. Indeed, we are the sensory organ for Planetary Ascension. The images we see of the planet is the Collective Body of Mind expression.
The controlling Fallen Consciousness are attempting to derail the mass Ascension-transfiguration process by keeping the Collective trapped in the artificial timeline/lower vibration rate of the false 3D matrix Hologram.
GMO’s, Dead Water, Chemtrails, EMFs, ‘NEWS’, Viruses, and Vaccines are the real ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ of bio-spiritual warfare.
The latest bio-circuitry weaponized agent is the CV entity, which is a fear-based control Implant the generates disharmonic sound tones within DNA to disrupt Personal Ascension.
The “new” CV vaccine that is going to be imposed upon the people through mind control fear-based programing aims to further mutate the DNA Template into reversal coding, which causes a rapid drop in the accretion level of Source energy and this alters/lowers the vibration rate of the whole body template into a disharmonic state. This keeps the embodied consciousness trapped within fragmentation in order to hold the false 3D matrix in place by the Collective Body creating the Hologram.
Chemtrails are designed to destroy the Ions in the atmosphere because plasma cannot exist without Ions. The Controllers have meters which detect where the most plasmic activity takes place in the earth’s atmosphere and that’s where they spray these chemtrails in plasma targeted areas. And the inhailing of these chemtrails and its heavy metals also obstructs our Bio-Plasma Light Body integration-activation. Plasma is what stimulates DNA coding recalibration to the orginal Source code and this is the key to consciousness evolution.
We are at the End-Game now, where ALL dark will be exposed so that we may put an end to these atrocities and bring true healing to the world! They, the powers that were cannot stop this what is now collectively known as The Interstellar Activation Cycle. As no-thing will overtake the Higher energy of Source. The Planetary Full Disclosure Event is set to be enforced by 2021-2022. The Open Source System of true Benevolent Governance, aligned with the Emerald Sun Order of Cosmic Sovereign Law is set to be implemented by 2023. Stay strong in your sacred Heart and be Love, The Eternal Living-Light Code for the Higher Reality Field of Unity Consciousness will prevail. The Final Revelation is the Emergence of the Collective Cosmic Christ Consciousness. We are The Event.
~Rome Baron | @sacredromeo
Blue Rainbow-Sun Guardian Host
Source: Ascension Energies