Aligned in bliss, the moments flow, as sacred drops of water become the ocean.
No thing is outside of this, the endless love of creation.
As magical union exists, so too, the pure state of being.
Merged with all worlds and eternity now, this glorious love ignites all hearts desiring eternal union.
Drawing to itself the very source of its desire.
Remembering the wholeness, it knows the truth.
The beloved dances the eternal dance in the arms of the beloved.
That which is attuned to the heart of it all, is the very presence it desires and merges with.
The pull of love, awakens the hero.
As what is not yet seen or known, is kept sacred.
As if the dream of a memory, buried deep in the heart, comes to life.
This is the joining and the merging, taking place before the vision, before the landing in the stream of the tangible ~ which then becomes the known.
How else are we to fall deep into it, if not immersed into the unknown?
For it is the state of surrender, that only bows to love, that is the sacred benchmark of its revealing.
As the wind blows and the flow continues, the beloved always exists for the beloved.
How else can it be, but for its union?
It is drawn to its very self.
No restraints are in order for this love.
As its purity is without limits or boundaries.
The walls broken down, become the very grounds that become the foundation of its knowingness.
As the new home, is forever and eternal, its sacred love.
Beloved and beloved, loving eternally, drawn to itself, the purity of its being.
No longer silent in its emptiness, becomes the building blocks, of its pure eternal love.
source: https://thenewdivinehumanity.com/2020/01/05/the-eternal-stream-of-love/