The Essence of Compassion and Our Journey on Earth

Ascension / Friday, September 6th, 2013

by Abigail Wainwright

Compassion is really one of the most beautiful qualities we humans can have on earth. The understanding of our true inner-connectedness with All-That-Is, coming from a place of unconditional love, empathy and acceptance for all beings no matter what is going on. Compassion is the ability to see beyond just the surface, the ego and any illusions so we may understand the pain, the healing and the love we are all experiencing as we grow higher. Through compassion, we understand that all is happening to teach us so much about who and what we are.

Compassion is quite different to sympathy; in sympathy we see ourselves and others as a ‘victim’ of life and we bring our energy down to match those we feel sorry for, whether that be ourselves or another being. In compassion we see each other as beautiful, powerful beings within unique growth cycles. We see our true essence and that we are able to grow through our earth lessons we chose to experience. We do not take away the life lessons, but rather empower each other to go within and grow through whatever it is that needs to be learned with love and care. We see the heart, soul and true self within all beings, beyond the level of lesson. This will take a giant step out of just mind thinking and a quantum leap into heart-space feeling, where we experience unconditional love and oneness with all life.

We are all here learning, growing, evolving together on our own unique path, and when we walk together with our hearts open and resonating with unconditional love and compassion, we create a space where so much unlimited and pure love frequency can lift the density of the earth plane into higher gear. There is true power within LOVE and sending it outwards from the heart will raise the vibration of earth and beyond! The vibration of love will dissolve so much negativity we may be concerned about within the world. LOVE is always the key that can and will dissolve fear and illusion. Make the conscious choice to let go of all that old discord ‘stuff’ from your life and CHOOSE to consciously bring in the NEW energies of LOVE, LIGHT, PEACE, JOY and COMPASSION!

LOVE is the energy of the higher realms we wish to connect with and we get there by tuning into the same energy within us just like tuning a radio broadcast. Know and claim your power NOW. All that you see that is negative in the world, YOU really do have the power to shift when working consciously to make personal choices in your own life, letting go of fear and illusion and being the change you are seeking. We are ONE and we are LOVE, this is our true essence and state of BEING. As we heal our own life, so do we heal the whole. We can help others more when we come from a place of self-empowerment and higher awareness of the bigger picture. Embody the essence of compassion. This will not only serve your own growth, but the growth of all of humanity. We are ONE. I LOVE you all infinitely.




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