Surrender to Divine Will
by Amorah Quan Yin
Living in Surrender to Divine Will is an important commitment for true spiritual seekers. But what is it you are to surrender to? I believe that it is not something outside yourself, but is deep surrender to your own Higher Self, or Holy Spirit. If we are all equal parts of God/Goddess then why would we need to surrender to anyone other than our own true selves?
Who is your own true self?
It is that part of you that has never taken on illusion, hiding, holding back, controlling or being controlled. It is that part of you called “spirit.” In order to find this true self you must first learn to know the difference between ego and spirit. I call this reclaiming your lost identity. …one of our primary goals is to reclaim our lost identity that we have given over to ego personality. Another way of saying this is learning to recognize the difference in Truth and illusion. If you have misplaced your identity into being a victim, in the need to hide your truth from others, in believing in fear or other emotional agendas, in distrust, loss of faith or any other agenda that holds limitation, then you need to reclaim it. In order to do this you must stop believing in the limited illusions. In other words, when your thoughts and emotions are holding these limited ideas you must remind yourself, “This is not my Truth. This is just an old ego illusion that I have been carrying for a long time. I cancel that thought and replace it with _________ (fill in the blank with the appropriate unlimited idea).” When you learn to do this consistently, you can reclaim your true self, your spirit identity, and recognize when illusionary ego personality is present and clear it. The main way of clearing it is through stating a higher truth and simply loving the part of you that has been holding the old ego identity. Love will gradually dissolve the lower frequency of ego illusion.
The other requirement for living in Surrender to Divine Will is making a commitment to living in impeccability.
Impeccability is when you know what is right and what is needed and you choose to do it. This means that even if you feel afraid to speak your Truth or do what is right that you do not let yourself believe in the fear and you say and do the correct thing anyway. Many people give a lot of power away to fear. And the moment fear arises it is an instant excuse to be cowardly. Spirit is not cowardly. Spirit knows the difference in Trust and illusion. And if you want to progress on the spiritual path, you must choose Truth. We all have a place in our souls where we know what is right. Where we know the difference in Trust and illusion. Meditation is the best way to find this place in yourself.
In choosing meditation, books, spiritual path you need to be willing to Surrender to Divine Will.
This means you choose only those spiritual practices that speak to that deep place in your soul that knows what is right for you. What is right for others may not be right for you. And only your true self, or spirit self does know. Surrendering to the Divine Will of your true self means you give up self-doubt and low self esteem and you choose to believe in yourself. To know that you are a beautiful Being of Light and that nothing and no one can ever change that. When you know this Surrender to Divine Will becomes spontaneous, joyful, loving, and really right!