Acclimation, harmonization and stabilization unfolds during this powerful Cosmic Gateway of August and 2020 energies anchoring in.
We continue to link-up and bringing all NEW Earth Grid systems online as One Universal Cosmic Monad. Higher levels of embodiment are accelerating and expanding our entire experience/experiment.
Keep the alignment and focus in the highest timelines as they are already here and available for all willing hearts. Call in and let the transition and migration of realities to occur with great ease and grace for all collectives.
Keep the alignment and focus
Call in the Freedom on all levels of your BEingness and tap into your Creator state. Bring in the joy, the peace, the ease, the harmony within as you drop any ‘needs’ and the focus on “what was”, “what is” or “how it should be”. Allow the magic of the present (your eternal gift) to unfold and reveal itself from this pure place inside, as you hold and stabilize this frequency in your experience ~ it becomes available for all of HUmanity throughout the quantum field, affecting the entire collective Consciousness.
Trust, surrender, let the old dissolve and allow the integration-activation of all these new templates, New Light (codes/structures) and the highest quality Crystalline Divine HUman DNA coming online to be fully activated in this NOW. Let it transform/shift your REALities and expand your Consciousness. Claim this, it is y/our birthright to access the highest levels of our Divinity, here and now.
What makes your heart sing? What brings you joy and inspires you right now? Act accordingly and apply your tools, gifts and practices.
Honor yourself fully, always listening to your body and energy… Let your Higher Self/Soul gently adjust and guide you through each and every moment.
Visualize, feel and be our New Earth Now. 💙
In Love and Unity,