Just as two personal fields that vibrate at the same frequency create a relationship, so too often they end when the vibration of one participant’s field changes. If the vibration of a field changes, as often happens after a spiritual awakening, it is natural for some people to move away because they can no longer interact in the same efficiency and tune as before. You may no longer feel comfortable with that person or group of friends (Penney Peirce).
As we begin to change our frequency, the universe begins to look for new people, situations, and learning that are on the same page with us. Some friends leave and others come out of nowhere. When we are rising, changing and awakening to deeper things many people come out of our lives, they no longer match who we are energetically. When it comes to love relationships, it is recommended that you both seek to grow and develop together, so you remain harmonized at the same frequency. Otherwise the relationship ends up having a lot of silly fights, you can no longer see your partner the same way. The same goes for friends and family. Are you feeling it?
Everything that doesn’t match our current frequency is drifting away. And that includes thoughts, feelings, emotions, people, ways and ways of life. The old is being removed, making room for what is new. The earth is rising and all density and low vibrations are being revealed to dissipate. People are increasingly awakening and feeling the call to fulfill their soul purpose. That is why everything that is not vibrating at the same spiritual frequency will distance itself as you come into contact with your essence, your true self. And those at the same frequency will be drawn to you and you to them. You will find out how amazing it is when the right people appear at the right times in the most spontaneous and divine way (A. Unknown).
Post by xamanicos
Source: Light is Consciousness