Day 5 ~ The Death of A Cycle ∞ L’Aura Pleiadian

Spiritual Perspectives / Saturday, March 28th, 2020

All people on Earth are going through the death and rebirth of a cycle.

This includes the death of consciousness as it was ~ as well as the perceptions of the old reality, soon to be ~ a forgotten dream.

The death of living through the head to that of being re-birthed through the heart.

These 13 days are the AMPLIFICATION of the HEART and they are filled with sacred moments in which profound potentials exist for each being on earth.

The potentials exist through the heart and through the choices one makes through the heart in the present moment.

You are either embracing the unknown and surrendering to your heart, or resisting what is and attempting to forge forward at all costs.

As we go through all that is to be and to come these next few days and moments. Know that through your heart is the haven of LOVE that you desire to know and be in union with. As this perfect UNION is the Divine YOU that exists already.

This UNION exists within your heart. NOW is the time, the moments and NOW where all unfolds for you to BE this Divine God Self, here and now, consciously.

On moment at a time, the changes flow through YOU.

Relax and take these sacred moments to consciously merge with this union STATE now, through your heart.

It is the Beloved LOVE that never ends.

It is the wholeness and the fullness of everything.

IT is the the healing balm and the portal of all miracles.

It is limitless Divine YOU that has never been separated from anything.

IT is the YOU that is true love.

In this we activate you NOW, through your heart, through love! Now!


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