Category: Spiritual Perspectives
NASA I actually laughed out loud when I read that the agency that has claimed astrology to be fake had the audacity to say that we now have a 13th sign, and our astrology has changed. WHAT????? REALLY?????? However, there is a positive side to this. The very fact that the mainstream media is […]
Adaptations ~ Lisa Renee
Dear Ascending Family, The planet has just completed its Magnetic Peak cycle, which discharged a massive amount of magnetic force into the earth. The subatomic particles of elemental matter are rearranging to support the planetary body shift into the next harmonic universe. All communication systems connected to these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and […]
The Multidimensional Self: An Exploration of Reality, the Soul and the Highest Self
By Jeff Street Guest writer for Wake Up World The Multidimensional Self: An Exploration of Reality, the Soul and the Highest Self Whether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions. You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, […]
Eckhart Tolle – How to be Non-Judgmental
Ute Posegga-Rudel MY BELOVEDS! There is no construct, not mentally or mathematically and altogether not synthetically – that can ever “create” Me! People believe in the sacred geometry of the light-body, but when it comes to your very Divine Essence, that Is Me, there is NO Sacred Geometry that ever can characterize Me or express […]
The White Temple of ONE Inner Light~It takes a brave heart to face ONE´s shadows and bring them to Light.
The White Temple of ONE Inner Light “As WE come into a new state of consciousness, WE are leaving the old perceptions of what 3d reality is and the limitations of it. Like a snake shedding it’s skin, it serves no purpose holding on to the old skin. It is our soul stretching, there […]
Consciousness is a feedback between the external world and the internal world ~ Nassim Haramein
“In order to be self-aware, you have to have feedback. Consciousness is a feedback between the external world and the internal world. That’s fundamental to ALL things. So then ALL things are conscious. All things are feeding information to the vacuum and the vacuum is feeding it back. The amount that you are able […]
An Indigenous Approach to Healing with Water
By Jonathan Davis For the Desana people, singing to the Water is a key to healing The science of cymatics literally shows us that sound influences the structure of water, but there are many who believe in the scientifically controversial idea that water can hold a ‘memory’ from the influence of light, sound and even […]
Is it possible to wake-up? It is totally possible. But untill we are fully awake to this, we sleep on. Let us take a closer look at that, how are the deeper dimensions of Alertness increase their presence in you, and how are you able to get from the state of consciousness meaning ”I am […]
The Secret of Success: Relax, Do Nothing… and Just BE
By Steve Taylor, Ph.D Guest writer for Wake Up World Great ideas and discoveries don’t come from thinking or doing, but from being. In general, there are three different modes in which we can live our lives: doing, thinking and being. Most of the day we’re busy doing – working in our jobs, doing chores, […]
Your Holographic Vehicle of Light ~ Awakening to What You Are
Let me be very clear here. Your body is where it is all happening as far as cellular consciousness, DNA consciousness, your Frequency. It is within you and your DNA where literal changes take place in consciousness. It is not outside of you. I have mentioned this before and will mention again here. My […]
Arcturian Prologue – Message 2016-17 ~ You Are Starseeds
The hard way or the easy way There are profound and intense energies happening at this time. Do not ask for any upgradement for your biological unit or your emotional unit. The energies that come forth moving at Millions of miles a second come forth from deep space, from a supernova that turned into a […]
Rainbow Dolphins of Lemuria ~ Next Stage of Ascension: A New Perception for All ~ Natalie Glasson
art by Christian Riese Lassen Channelled through Natalie Glasson 2nd September 2016 Sacred School of OmNa Greeting light beings of the Earth, we love you deeply and have been working with you for a great number of lifetimes. We are the Rainbow Dolphins from Lemuria; we existed as semi-physical dolphins in the oceans close to Lemuria […]
Message from Mike Quinsey 8-2-16 ~ The movement against the dark Ones is gaining pace as more groups take action against them.
Mike Quinsey The movement against the dark Ones is gaining pace as more groups take action against them. The overall affect will diminish their power and prevent them from carrying out their plan. It enables those of the Light to work with little interference and thus able to achieve their aims. The end times […]
By Christina Sarich, The Mind Unleashed The benefits of meditation have been touted for decades now, with seemingly a new scientific study coming out as fast as you can say ‘Aum’. Harvard has proven that meditation rebuilds the grey matter in our brains in as little as 8 weeks, and according to University of […]
WHAT THE F#CK IS THIS? ~ Frank M. Wanderer
art by Beau-Deeley By Frank M. Wanderer, The Mind Unleashed During our spiritual Journey through the world of shapes and forms, we are often under the effect of our daily disappointments, as our “sandcastles come tumbling down,” and we ask ourselves the question: What the f#ck is this? What am I doing here? In a narrow sense […]
Within This Now ~ Suzanne Lie and The Arcturians
Within this NOW you are not fully in the third/fourth dimensional body. Nor are you fully in your fifth dimensional body. This is NOT because you did something wrong. This is because you are a prototype. You are among those who have volunteered to “test the equipment” for transmuting your third/fourth dimensional Earth vessel […]
The Rightful Role of the Truth Warrior ~ Zen Gardner
by Zen Gardner It’s amazing how people have been backed into a corner by this barrage of social programming and outright intimidation. People actually feel apologetic about speaking the truth when it counters the politically correct entrained mass mindset of the world today. Telling someone the truth is the most loving thing anyone can […]