Physical Transmutations

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

art by beaudeeley Ascension is an expected and normal part of the evolutionary development of the Universe. It has always been so and will continue until it is no longer necessary as a collective process. The body during Ascension will know how to readjust and reorganize itself because this process is quite normal. This process of transformation […]


Source Code Wave ~ Antimatter – Matter

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

by Méline Portia Lafont Merging Dimensions and Timelines As we are starting to experience more and more facets of our Multi-Dimensional Self through the Solar Christ consciousness, we abide in a cycle of revelations which are being enhanced through the genetics of our immortal Being. Immortality becomes a huge part of our consciousness and awareness now […]


Manifesting The Fifth Dimension

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Alexander, From March 15 through April 13, 2016 Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension Transition reached a critical stage in her transformation from a Fourth Dimension Creator Planet to a Fifth Dimension Creator Planet – Mother Earth Activated her Fifth Dimensional “services!” Through the Activation of her Fifth Dimension Harmony Vibration Field, Mother Earth […]


Multi-Dimensional Existence: From Invisible to Visible Evolution: Inside First – Then Outside ~ Lisa Transcendence Brown

Spiritual Perspectives

  Today the energies are “quiet”, very busy, softly working on a cellular level… no blasting, no huge anything…. just there… some may notice deep cellular cleansings occurring, others may notice other things. These act as a reprieve “between” the huge upgrades/re-calibration cycles we’ve been going through. Some may find it’s time to breathe, while […]


Physical Transmutations

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

art by Sam Farrand Ascension is an expected and normal part of the evolutionary development of the Universe. It has always been so and will continue until it is no longer necessary as a collective process. The body during Ascension will know how to readjust and reorganize itself because this process is quite normal. This process […]


We Are On The Cusp Of Major Shifts

Spiritual Perspectives

  by Sophie Bashford We are on the cusp of major shifts. This September has brought major astrological events which have catapulted many into the Light. In particular, men whose Souls have elected to recall distant, eternal memories of spiritual wisdom and healing powers have been touched by universal grace. Many male light workers are in […]


New Spectrums of Your Wholeness

Ascension, Spiritual Perspectives

  Message from Archangel Michael, the Council of Radiant Light & the Elohim of Grace Channeled by Ailia Mira * Dear Friends, Deep within you, you are going again, to birth. New ways of being are opening up, and you are stepping into them, in your consciousness with a skillfulness that is accomplished. There is […]



Spiritual Perspectives

By Kara Schallock Many judge chaos as something to avoid, including me in the past. Yet when we can move beyond judging something as either good or bad, we enter Neutrality, which is a sacred place and one that is not of duality. When we can be neutral, we transcend duality, which judgment is a […]


Breathwork for Clearing Trauma from the Body

Spiritual Perspectives

By Robin Lee   Learning to heal ourselves with a practice of conscious breathing There were ten of us in a circle, heads toward each other, the scent of sage swirling in ethereal forms above my body. This is the first time. I’m in a geodesic dome (a partial spherical structure based on a network […]
